Chapter Fourteen: Tail Spin

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There is a very disturbing scene in this chapter. I do apologize if it affects anyone or upsets anyone. I have actually Put *** around the scene just in case anyone doesnt want to read it. Its a scene that Katie remembers about something her father did to her when she was just a child. Anyway enjoy the chapter!


The months fly by and before Katie knows it, it's Christmas break. She walks out of the school's front doors and smiles. Today was the last day before the two week long break and She was finally Free from the hell that was her school. She feels an arm sling across her shoulders and smiles as she looks up at Melina. The two were still best friends and whenever the adults were MIA they would party and be in Stoned Bliss.

"Are the guardians home?" Melina asks lighting up a cigarette even though it was against the rules to smoke on school grounds. Katie takes the cigarette from her and takes a puff and nods her head.

"Well all the important ones are gone, Just Han is home, He's got like the stomach flu or something." Katie says handing her back the cig. Thinking about Han made her heart twist. Whatever had been between them he had made it pretty clear that it was over, that he didn't't want her anymore. He never spoke to her unless she specifically asked him something or talked to him first and it wasn't like he was outright rude to her but whenever she caught his eye she was always left broken because of the emptiness and harshness she saw in them. She tried to not care for him but it was hard. The depression that came with it was gradual she didn't notice it at first. Luckily she had Melina, and her party bag to keep the depression away. Melina smiles and fishes something out of her ever present tote purse, pulling out the ever familiar film canister. She dangles it in front of Katie with a huge smile plastered on her face.

"We can come over to our house and have a Party. I just got a fresh batch and the rents wont be home tonight!!" She says. She had started a habit of calling her house Our" house after she had remembered Katie use to live there. Katie eyes the canister like a hungry dog. Since that horrible day she first tried Katie and Melina had done it here and there and each time it was better then the last, She could see why Melina did it constantly. Whenever she would get a new batch She would invite Katie and they would get high all night long. Katie had come home more then once high out of her mind, but somehow the others never noticed, and if they did they assumed it was Weed. Normally it was at Katie's or the two would sit in Melina's car, never had she invited her over her house, and Katie had been just fine. She wasn't' so sure if she wanted to go into that house full of memories of her past, but she wanted the high from the coke so she found herself nodding yes. Melina squeals and hugs her. Letting go she takes her hand and half drags her to her car.

Melina's car was a nice one a crystler 300 with a black paint job. the interior had red leather that stuck to the back of your legs in the summer heat and would freeze them if it wasn't for the seat warmers. Katie throws her backpack in the back seat and flops into the front, turning the stereo up until the base was booming through her body. Melina does a wild whooping sound and peelings out of the driveway. Katie laughs and head bangs to the music. If only Melina knew that Dom, Bryan, and Letty use to Street race She wouldn't be so quick to dis them then. They Make it to her house in record time, and Melina slams on the breaks making her almost hit her head on the dash.

"Damn girl will you cut that out" She says laughing as she gets out of the car. She leaves her pack in the car and lets herself in through the gate. She plops on the porch swing as she waits for Melina to unlock the door. Melina opens the door and goes in, Katie following behind her much slower. Katie stands in the door way unable to move as memories come flooding back, She looks around the front room at Melina's family belonging, Nothing about it was the same as her nightmares, not even the paint color. She takes a deep breath and enters the home that had haunted her for 6 years.

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