Chapter Forty-Two: Welcome Home Jealousy

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Dom Grunts in Pain as he leans heavily on Bryan as the two make their way slowly to the front door. It's been a month since the crash and the doctors finally deemed it safe for Dom to come home. Katie, Mia and Letty have been scrambling around like chickens with their heads cut off for the past week and a half trying to put together the perfect welcome home party for him. Katie peers out the window and spying the boys she rushes to the kitchen where Mia was putting the finishing touches on a delicious looking cake.

"Mia they're here! where are the others." She wheezes out, breathy from running. Mia without looking up points to the back door where Letty , Melina and Han were outside finishing up the decorations. She runs to the door and slams it open, making Melina jump and drop the CD's "Sorry but guys they're here, Lets go!" She says and dashes back in the house to the front door, just in time. Bryan opens the door and the boys enter the house, Making Katie squeal with happiness. Dom looks up and smiles, opening his arms just in time to catch her as she flings herself in them, hugging him hard.

"It's good to be home." He says hugging her back. She lets go and smiles laughing when the smells from the kitchen hit him. "What has my sister been up too? that smells amazing." He says, walking slowly to the kitchen. Bryan looks at Katie and shakes his head.

"Oh hey I think there is someone outside waiting for you, Says he is a friend from Tokyo." He says pointing outside. Frowning Katie walks over to the window and peers out again, noticing for the first time a person leaning up against Dom's car, a familiar doo rag covered head making her smile wide. She runs to the front door and throws it open.

" TWINKIE!" She shouts making him jerk his head up, a lazy smile stretching across his face. She hurtles down the pathway and once again flings herself. He laughs and catches her in mid air twirling her around as he hugs her close. "What are you doing here? Why didn't Shawn tell me?" She says as he puts her down, her feet planting firmly onto he ground.

"It was suppose to be a surprise for your birthday, it's next week right?" He says, his voice so familiar washes over her, " Plus It wasn't Shawn's idea, it was Han's he also wanted to see me." he says shrugging. Katie frowns as Han's name slips off his tongue. Since that night when they fought she hadn't spoken to him unless necessary. "So we going in or what?" He asks nodding his head to the house. Suddenly nerves pool in her stomach.

"Does anyone else know you are coming other then Shawn and Han?" She asks. he nods.

"Yeah They asked the others if it was OK if I stayed for a while. Come on I want to meet them all, you spoke so Highly of them." He says hooking his arm in hers and the two walk up the pathway together and into the house. She opens the door and they slip in, noses from the party out back reaching them and they head to the kitchen, pausing outside the door she turns to him. Slipping her arms around his neck making his eyes widen with surprise.

"I really missed you Twinkie, talking on skype just wasn't the same as the real thing." She says and before he can respond she stands up on her tip toes and kisses him ever so softly.

Han freezes halfway to the kitchen, He had gone upstairs to grab a sweatshirt and was heading back when he spotted them. Twinkie, his old friend, wraps his arms around Katie to deepen the kiss she had started, crushing her to him. Han's already broken heart shatters to even smaller pieces as he sees them, The love of his life and his old friend. It was only after they break apart does he finally breath again. Emotions swirl around inside him, anger, pain, hurt, but most of all betrayal as he watches the blush creep across Katie's face as she smiles up at Twinkie, who looked blown away. Anger at his Friend's betrayal courses through him and he enters the kitchen making himself known. Katie jumps away from Twinkie with a start.

"Excuse me I need to get back outside, or would you like me to turn the other way while you suck face again." He snaps, giving Twinkie an evil grin. "Hey old friend, Its nice to see you again." Twinkie's eyes widen further and Han gets a sick pleasure as he watches him struggle with what to say. He knew Han was in love with Katie, it was clear just by how he was trying hard not to look at her, pain and hurt written all over his face. Twinkie swallows a few times before speaking.

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