Chapter Thrity-Eight: Twinkie It Up

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Katie stands by her locker waiting for the twins, Hiroshi was going to give her his notes for geometry to study.Two girls walk out of Mrs. Koda's class room laughing at something . One of them, a girl named Hiroko Goda who was in her Literature class spots Katie and her laughter stops, a smirk on her lips twisting her pretty face into a harsh sneer. She whispers something to her companion and the two girls look at her again and laugh a cruel laugh. Katie just stares at them, her green eyes boring into them, showing them she wasn't afraid of them. Hiroko notices the look and her face screws up into a angry flush as the two saunter over to her.

"You don't belong here Gaijin, Do us favor and how you say it, Piss off." She says, her words though broken sliced into Katie like a slap. She takes a step back and bumps into her locker, as the two girls laugh and step closer to her, boxing her in making her anxiety kick in. "Stay away from Hiroshi, he mine." Hiroko says in a deadly whisper, taking another step closer until she was right in Katie's face, "You no stay away I make life bad, very bad get it?" She hisses, her eyes glittering with a cruel anger and Katie knew she was telling the truth. "Get it Gaijin?" She says her voice elevating. Katie flinches as a flashback of her Father threatens to over take her. She nods her head and puts her hands in front of her, trying to put distance between her and the other girl. "good." She says and with quick movements shoves Katie hard against the Locker, her head bouncing off the metal with a painful thud. She laughs her cruel laugh, her companion echoing it as they saunter down the hall and out the door. Katie stands there frozen for a few minutes trying to calm her racing heart. When she is certain that the girls are gone she tears out of there, the notes forgotten as she pushes out of the doors. Leaning against them she gulps in the icy air As A car horn honks at her making her head whip around. Twinkie was just pulling up, rolling his window down.

"Come on lets, Woah hey whats wrong?" He says stopping mid speech as she slides into the passenger side. "Hey whats wrong why are you crying?" He asks his voice gentle with concern. Katie wipes at her eyes not even realizing until then that tears were streaming down her face.

"Some girls cornered me and told me that I don't belong here that I need to Piss off and to stay away from Hiroshi cuz one of them liked him or something, they called me a Gaijin." She says her voice wobbling as new tears spring from her eyes. "They pushed me against the locker and I hit my head." she says rubbing the back of her head as it stings from the memory. Twinkie Punches the steering wheel making her jump

"Damnit That's just not right, I'm sorry they did that it was way uncool." he says putting the car in drive and making the tires squeal he speeds out of there, the smell of Burning rubber and tire treads the only evidence they had been there. "Well lets get out of here, Shawn and Neela are on one of their date dinners, so its just you and me tonight, but first before we go back I have a few things I want to do, I hope you don't mind." He says, Katie shakes her head and leans back ont he head rest, kicking her feet up on the dashboard. Twinkie spots her feet and without warning stomps on the brakes sharply making her body yank forward then slam back

"Yo what is up?" She says rubbing her head that once again got slammed back. Twinkie just looks at her feet.

"Girl I know you don't have your feet up on the monsters dashboard do you?" He says, his tone reminding her of the stereotypical gang talk. She bursts into laughter as she quickly removes her feet. "That's better, sorry I had to get a little mean right there, but this Baby needs the Up most respect." He, the wannabe gangster attitude coming out stronger making her laugh harder. He looks at her and smiles as he puts the car back into drive. "theres that smile, I was getting worried that it was too far buried under that frown," He teases, " but seriously no feet up OK?" He says turning his attention back to the road and takes the next exit. Katie sticks her tongue out at him and it was then that she spies his ever present back pack.

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