Chapter Twenty-Five: the Calm Before The Storm

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For the Remainder of the month every night Katie would sneak into Han's room where he would be waiting to hold her tightly to him and they would fall asleep in each others arms. Within the circle of his arms Katie's nightmare's never made an appearance, it was as if His arms were a dream catcher catching all the bad dreams and chasing them away. It reminded her of last summer when he would hold her for the same reason, It was as if nothing had changed but reality was Everything had changed. Katie opens her eyes blinking as the morning sun filtered through his half closed blinds, splashing onto her face. She turns and sees Han had shifted in his sleep and was now rolled facing away from her, his well toned muscled back to her. She moves closer and splays her fingers across his shoulders, tracing the plains of his back, making him shiver in his sleep. She takes her hands away and snuggles close, burying her face in his back, kissing with a soft feather like touch. Han groans in his sleep and rolls over, his eyes opening to slits as he faces her.

"What are you doing?" He mummers, sleep making his voice deep and sexy. Katie just looks up at him and stretches, kissing the sleep from his lips. His hands snake around and grab her around the waist drawing her closer to deepen the kiss. Happiness floods through her as she realizes he was no longer holding back with her or pushing her away. "If you keep squirming things will get interesting" he whispers against her lips, making her still and break the kiss. He opens his eyes and his hold on her relaxes, a sleepy smile stretching across his now swollen lips to show her he was teasing, She scrunches up her face in annoyance and swats at him making him laugh holding his chest where he had swatted like he was hurt, making her giggle.

"You butthead." she says between giggles making him laugh harder.

"Did you really just call me a butthead?" He says. Katie just grinned up at him and kissed him on the nose, such a sweet gesture it made his heart swell. This is what it would be like waking up to her every morning. All he had to do was wait one more year and he wouldn't have to hide, they wouldn't have to wait until the others were gone to curl up in eachothers arms. That life was just out of reach but it would soon be within his grasp. Suddenly it was like he was a small child again and needed to be held, he draws her close and smiles as she wraps her arms around him, sensing what he needed. He nuzzles his face against her collar bone and kisses it softly, clinging to her as she held him in the safety of her arms.
The softness and venerability he was showing was shocking yet so tender Katie lept at the opportunity to hold him. It was so different then the man he showed the world, but it was Han in very movement and every touch. She felt him curl up and she held him, protecting this moment in her mind, committing it to memory. The feel of his silky hair under her chin, the thudding of his heart against her chest, his breath warm and ticklish against her collar bone. It was bliss, it was perfection, she never wanted to leave this moment. But a knock on his door shatters it bringing the real world whooshing in around them.

"Yo Love Birds I know you're in there? DO you want Pancakes? I'm in the mood for Pancakes, blueberry style!" Melina's chipper morning voice filters through the closed door. The two groan and she releases him as they both slide out of bed, unable to hide from the world any longer.

"Yeah Lina that's fine, Just give us a sec please?" She calls grabbing the clothes she had laid out the night before. From where she was she could hear Melina making a gagging noise in the hallway before padding down the stairs to make her famous blueberry pancakes, Han gives her a wink knowing full well What Melina thought they were doing. Katie's face flushes a self conscious shade of pink before ducking out of the room to shower. Han puts on a Shirt and quickly finds a pair of jeans as he hears the shower turning on, thought of Katie in there fill his mind and he quickly shakes his head trying to rid them. No that is NOT where his mind should be going, He didn't mind sharing his bed at night holding her but thoughts like that.... out of the question. He finishes getting dressed and walks out of the room to the bathroom , leaning against the wall next to the door as he listened to Katie hum softly in the shower. The shower stops and ten minutes later Katie emerges, hot steam billowing out the door behind her, when she spies Han standing there she jumps and suppresses a scream. "HOLY SHIT DON'T DO THAT!" she hisses, he just smirks and heads into the steam filled bathroom for his own shower, jumping in surprise when she swats his ass,, her laughter echoing through the hall as she speed down the stairs.

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