Chapter Twenty-Six : The Storm

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"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" Dom's voice rips through Han's sleep muddled brain, his eyes fly open at the sound of the pure rage in his voice. Katie stirs next to him. KATIE! Han stills as his surrounding s crash around him. Dom looming over him, Katie curled up under the blanket with him in nothing but his t shirt and boxer shorts. Katie opens her green eyes and her face freezes in Horror as she sees Dom standing above Han, She springs out of bed.

"Dom NO!" She screams but it was useless. Before Han can register what was happening Dom hauls him out of bed by his shirt and slams him against his bedroom wall, his head smashing painfully against. Blinding Pain explodes behind his eyes as Dom rears back his fist and punches him square in the nose, a loud Crunch echoing in the room as blood pours down his face.

"You Sick Son OF A Bitch! SHES JUST A CHILD!" He Screams Punching him again, his left eye swelling shut as a result. Katie stands by the bed in frozen horror watching as her Father beat the shit out of the man she loved. Dom takes his fist and punches Han Hard in the stomach, a gasp of pain and a trickle of blood escaping him. An Image of Han almost killing Cade makes her break out of her paralysis and she rushes over to Dom pounding on his back trying to stop him.

"DOM STOP IT YOU'RE GOING TO KILL HIM!" She Shrieks. Just then Bryan tears into the room, access the situation and pushes Katie out of the way to Haul Dom off of Han, who just crumples to the ground in a bloody mess.

"Dom Get control of yourself!" Bryan yells struggling to keep the bigger man from tearing into Han again. Letty comes into the room and helps Bryan calm him down. Katie doesn't wait, she runs over to Han and drops to her knees.

"Han? Han can you hear me, Here let me take a look." She says, fear creeping into her voice as she reaches out to him to take a look at his face. Han flinches at her touch and pushes her hand away.

"I'm fine, Katie I'm fine get away from me!" He hisses as she tries to touch him again. He looks at her with his one good eye, the pleading in it stopping her. He was silently pleading with her not to make this worse. She nods and just stands up, close in case he fell as he uses the wall to ease himself up, pain dominating everything.

"Katie Get away from that sicko right now!" Bryan says grabbing her arm and yanking her away making her cry out. Han just watches as Bryan drags Katie out of the room, Melina's startled voice asking what was happening filters into the room from the hallway. He breaths in a hisses, grabbing his left side knowing full well he re broke one of his ribs, and by the amount of blood running down his face he knew his nose was broken as well. Letty slips out of the room leaving just Han and Dom, the love intrest and the Father. Han wipes the blood off his face withthe back of his hand and tries to straighten up, his broken rib protesting. Dom was staring out the door where Katie and the others had left, his hands balled into fists at his sides, that vein in his temple pulsing, a nerve in his jaw twitching, his body shaking with boiling rage.

"Dom Just listen to me." He says gently. At the sound of his Voice Dom Whips his head around, his eyes bugging out as the Rage Erupts. In two short strides he was in Han's face again, grabbing the front of his shirt and slamming him against the wall again, he flinches as the pain in his ribs scream at him.

" You sick Mother fucker! Shes sixteen! You're twenty-six! TEN YEARS OLDER THEN HER! What is the Matter with you!" He roars his eyes wild with that rage Han knew all to well. Dom slams him against the wall again and more pain explodes in his head, stars dancing in his vision.

"If you render me unconscious it's not going to solve anything." He says behind gritted teeth. Dom seems to realize he wasn't going to get answers if he kept beating him so he lets him go. It takes all the weakened strength he had left not to fall back on the floor, A cough bubbling out and he hunches over coughing, spitting out blood as he wipes his mouth. Finally when he had his breath back he straightens up the best he could he looks Dom in the eyes.

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