Chapter Fifty-Four: In A Blink Of An Eye Everything Can Change

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Sunlight and the scent of burnt wax wakes Katie from a sound sleep. Her eyes flutter open and in a moment of confusion she panics at her surroundings, until the night before flashes in her mind. She turns her head to see Han, laying on his stomach sleeping soundly beside her. The white down comforter is pulled down low resting just below his lower back making her blood warm as she realizes he is still naked. She leans forward and kisses him right between the shoulder blades, a mummer of satisfaction rumbling from him as he stirs. She quietly giggles and gently slips onto his back, sitting on his butt as she massages his back, the muscles twitching softly under her fingers. More mummers escape him as he wakes up.

"Hmm now this is the way to wake up." He mutters his lips curling into a smile as he hears her giggle. He feels her lean down and kiss between his shoulder blades again, her hair sweeping across his back. He slowly moves onto his side and then quickly flips, so she was sitting right below his stomach, almost on top of him, making him jump. Her eyes widening as she feels him, her hands reaching out and gliding up his stomach, resting on his chest for balance. He looks her up and down just now realizing she too is still undressed her body glowing in the light from the half closed curtains. He groans. " You look like an angel like that." He whispers reaching his hand up to brush some loos hair out of her face, resting on her cheek as she closes her eyes and leans into it, kisses his palm. "Was last night real?" He asks, her cheeks flushing as she nods. She opens her eyes that seem to glow a neon green as she stares at him.

"I love you So much Han." She says leaning down to kiss his lips, her chest flush against his, making him groan and parts of him jump more alert. He breaks the kiss and holds her face in both his hands as he stares at her, wanting to see her reaction to his next words.

"I don't just love you Katie Hendricks, I am so madly in love with you, everytime you are near me I swear my heart is going to explode its so full of love for you." Her eyes swim with tears and they spill onto her cheeks, his heart constricting, "What did I say, Please don't cry." He says, his voice trembling. She smiles through her tears and shakes her head slightly, for it was still in his hands.

"I'm not crying in sadness, Its just," She pulls in a shaky breath, " I don't know what I did to deserve such an amazing guy, you're everything I ever wanted." She whispers. His heart pounds in his chest as she leans down and crushing her lips to his. Her kiss distracts him so much that he Gasps and moans all at once as he feels her wiggle on top of him until they were connected in the most intimate way possible. His arms wrap around her and he flips them over.


Twinkie Lays on the hood of Han's Nissan GT-R, that he had lent him for the day, basking in the light heat of the January Sun. Shawn was leaning against Bryan's Skyline with Neela in his arms as the three waited for Han and Katie. They were at the entrance to the Air force base, waiting for Han to show them just where the runway was. The sound of a revving engine has him lifting his head off the hood to see a familiar mustard colored Mazda speeding toward them. he slides off the hood and lands on the ground as the car comes to a full stop inches from Neela's feet making them jump. Twinkie snickers as he heads over to the car, the window already rolling down and Katie sticks her head out, a smirk of her.

"Did I scare you Bro?" She snickers, an eyebrow arches as Shawn smiles and shakes his head, Neela just shaking her head. She gets out and hugs Twinkie as Han goes over to Shawn. She breaks away from Twinkie and the two go over to the others. "Alright Lets get to the runway. I want to see this race!" She says bouncing on her toes in excitement, Slightly wincing at the soreness between her legs, No one catching it but Han who just flashes her a small smirk. She bats her eyes at him like she doesn't know why he's smirking, knowing her warming cheeks gave her away. Twinkie Whoops and heads for his borrowed car as the others all jump in theirs, Waiting for Han to drive them to the Runway. While driving there he looks at Katie from the corner of his eye.

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