Chapter Forty-Eight: While He Was Sleeping

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Everything is a blur, Katie barely processes the ride to the hospital, her heart shattering as Han's stops twice, forcing the EMT's to revive him, both times she doesn't breath again until the Flat glowing line Spikes with a weak pulse. With a sudden stop the EMTt's Fling open the back doors, where ER nurses and doctors were waiting to rush him into immediate surgery. Dom's and Bryan's cars screeches around the corner and they hastily park, the family leaping and following the rush of Staff, Katie doesn't look back at them she just stays next to Han's stretcher, running to keep up with the commotion.

"Miss, you can't follow from here, Miss, please." One of the nurses says turning and grabbing hold of Katie's arms, making her turn tears filled eyes up at her.

"But He needs me!" She whispers, her eyes pleading with the nurse. A flash of sympathy washes over her, making her face soften.

"I know he does, but right now what he needs more is to go into surgery so we can take the bullet out, Look you're family seems to be here,." She says gently and points over Katie's shoulder. She looks over to see Bryan, Dom, Mia, Letty, Shawn and Twinkie standing there looking at her, "Look why don't I go get you some clean clothes and you wait with them, OK?" Katie opens her mouth to protest but a hand on her shoulder makes her stop, The hand belongs to Dom, One look at his bloody clothing has her bursting into tears. Dom takes her from the nurse and gathers her up in his arms, trying to protect her from the pain.

"Thank you miss," He mummers to the Nurse as she leaves in search for clean scrubs. Dom brings her over to the others, and she squirms out of his arms, running into the loving arms of her brother, Shawn just crushes her to him as she cries her fear and grief into the front of his shirt. He rubs her back, and kisses the top of her head, anything to sooth her.

"Shhh Katie, it's OK, he's going to be OK." He whispers to her.

"You don't know that." She cries. He pulls her away too look at her, wiping away her tears, a futile gesture as more tears replaces them. Her pain was shining strongly through her eyes, making his heart constrict. He tries to keep his own tears from falling as he gives her a weak smile.

"Sure I do, Its Han, He's too stubborn to let this stop him, Just you watch, The docs will fix him up and he will be awake and laughing in no time." He says, truly believing his words. Twinkie comes up behind her with the scrubs the Nurse had managed to find.

"Babe?" He whispers as she turns to him, handing her the clothing. She takes it and wordlessly heads to the women's restroom to change. Once inside she locks the door and goes over to the large mirror that hung above the sink. She barely recognized her own face staring at her. IT was so white the eyes sunken in wide and startled, The pupils the size of pins. Bloody trails streak down her face and with a pang of Nausea she realizes its Han's blood. Turning the sink on she grabs paper towels and soaks them with water and soap, scrubbing hard at her face until there is no more blood. Looking down at her clothes she lets out a sob. The knees of her jeans were soaks through, dark and sticky with his blood, her shirt splattered with it. Her sobs she can't hold back and the rip through her, leaving her shaking as she slides down the door, her knees pulled close. She buries her face into them and sobs, falling apart in a million different ways as countless images of Han flash through her mind, Han laughing, his eyes lighting up, He smirk she loved so much, memories of kisses they had stolen all those years ago. She stays in the bathroom for a good half an hour, rocking herself as she sobs her heart break, praying to whatever higher being was out there that Han would make it through this alive. When her tears subside she shakily gets to her feet, her legs wobbling under her. She goes back over to the mirror and stares at herself again.

"He WILL Make IT." She says to her reflection, her Green eyes staring back at her. She wasn't going to let herself fall apart again, He wasn't died, He may be weak , he may be clinging hard to life but he was still alive, and he was a fighter, he wasn't going to give up so easily. She tells this to herself as she takes a deep breath and quickly shrugs off her bloody clothes and flings them as far away from her as she could and slips on the scrubs. They were a dark navy blue and the pants were only slightly baggy on her, she was grateful for the drawstrings. Placing her hand on the doorknob she takes one more deep breath before stepping out, heading back to the Family who were all lounging in the waiting room, each one wrapped up in their own worried thoughts.

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