Chapter Twenty-Four: The Light At The End Of The Tunnel

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"Lord have Mercy! SHE LIVES!!!" Melina says in a fake southern bell accent as Katie emerges down the stairs. It's been a week and a half since that first dreadful night and it was Hell. Stomach cramps that made even mother nature cringe, cold sweats so powerful she would cry herself to sleep as she bundled up in her blankets seeking heat, Her body felt like it had been hit by an 18 wheeler then back up on, but what was worse was what she could only describe as Cravings for Cocaine, they were so strong she would scream into her pillow begging Melina for relief from them. Han had watched helplessly as her body fought to rid itself of the drugs and left her battered in the process. He didn't know what to do, at that point not even holding her helped, she would just push him away and curl up in a ball.

Katie shoots Melina a glare, a ghost of a smile hinting at her cracked and dried lips. She pads into the living room, her blanket wrapped around her, and curls up on the couch, her head in Melina's lap. She closes her eyes and sighs as she feels Melina working her fingers through her tangled hair, playing with it and combing it. She was so focused on the feel of her fingers weaving in and out that she didn't hear Han coming into the living room, it wasn't until he picked up her feet to sit down did she notice. Jumping with a yelp her eyes fly open to see a wide grin on his face as she smirked at her.

"Damnit Han don't do that!" She says as she settles back down , closing her eyes as Melina working her magic fingers again. Han apologies and takes one of her feet in his hands, She cracks open her eyes to slits and watches him as she starts to Massage her left foot. She jerks it away as the sharp tingles of being tickled reaches her a giggle bubbling up. "Stop no, I'm ticklish." She says as he smirks and reaches for her foot again. Melina joins in and pins her hands above her as Han starts tickling her sides, making her howl with Laughter, squirming this way and that trying to get away. Han's laughter was a balm to her ears after the week of hell as he continues his relentless torture.

"Give up?" he huffs between his laughter. Katie just sticks her tongue out and playfully tugs at her wrists that Melina Held. Melina just gives her a wicked grin and playfully tightens her grip. Katie shakes her head

"NEVER!" She hisses between her own bouts of laughter.

"You asked for it, Melina help me." Melina lets go of her wrists and joins Han with the tickle torture, her howls growing louder.

" I Yield I Yield Uncle Uncle, I wave the white flag!" She hollers, dissolving into more incoherent fits. Han leans back against the arm rest panting, his 100 watt smile plastered onto his face. Melina puts her hands up and behind her head and also leans back, letting Katie scramble into a sitting position, all three breathing heavy from laughing so hard.

"It's good to see you smile and laugh again, I was afraid it was lost." Han says once his breathing was normal. Katie shoots him a smile and one to Melina. She looks closer at Melina and sees that she too was starting to heal from all the hell. Her body didn't look like a sick child anymore. Melina smiles at her, her white teeth peaking out from behind her lips as her eyes crinkled around the edges. The girls hug eachother hard, relishing int he fact that they made it, they beat this addiction.

Han watches as the two girls hug their victory. When they let go He takes a closer look at Katie. Her eyes were no longer the dull lifeless green they had been, they were once again the bright green like Jade. Her blond hair had vibrancy to it and no longer looked limp and gray, her body still looked skinnier then normal from lack of eating in the past week but he knew that as soon as her appetite was back she would be her healthily size again. An Image of Her Curled up in his arms shaking and freezing, crying her eyes out flashes in his mind and vanishes just as fast. The past week and a half had been hell, Han had had to sit back and watch helplessly as she Struggled to get control of her life again without being dependent on white powder and the high it brought her. He had wanted nothing more then to ease her pain but he knew that there was nothing he could do. He is shaken out of his thoughts when Katie turns to look at him, her dazzling smile making his own lips turn up to met hers. She bumps his shoulder with his and he laughs, slingling his arm around her resting it on the back of the couch, letting her curl up in his side, Melina smiles at them. Since Melina had figured out their predicament and promised to keep it a secret the two didn't feel like they had to hide their feelings around her for she approved. Getting up off the couch she heads to the kitchen

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