Chapter Forty-Three: New Flames

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Katie leans against Twinkie as they wait on Melina's porch for her. His arms wrapped around her as she leans with her back against him. Melina was in her house fussing over what to wear, since it was a double date, Katie and Twinkie, Melina and Kennedy who was coming home from a family vacation. A car horn has Them jumping and turn around to see a light green Volkswagen Beetle pulling up to the curl. Kennedy jumps out and waves at them as she jogs up the pathway.

"Hey Katie, How have you been! Where's Lina?" She says, her light voice bringing a smile to Katie's face as she nods to the house

"The beauty queen is still getting ready." She says snuggling into Twinkie. "Oh and this is my boyfriend Twinkie." She says. Kennedy raises an eyebrow at the name making him laugh

"Its a nickname got it when I was younger and it's stuck." He explains, a slight flush on his face from Katie's words, just then Melina finally emerges from the house. Katie stares at her best friend. Her hair was curled into soft banana curls that fell around her shoulders, framing her face, her eyes popping out with the vamp yet beautiful makeup that she had applied, but the outfit is what stuns her the most. Gone was the Gothic black dresses she normally wore, instead she was wearing a turquoise blouse and a flirty bohemian skirt that flared out. "Wow Melina you look amazing." Twinkie says with gentleman grace. Melina blushes and walks over to her Girlfriend.

"Thank you Twinkie, and Hey baby." She says snaking her hand around Kennedy's waist and brings her closer, giving her a loving kiss that steals her breath away. Katie whistles and Twinkie chuckles, making Kennedy blush. Melina giggles and turns back to the others. " You take the Chrysler We'll take her car and we'll meet at the movies OK?" She says and tosses Katie the keys. Twinkie plucks them out of her hand and kisses her lightly on the lips when she tries to protest, making her pout.

"I wanted to drive," She says, looking at him with puppy dog eyes. He grins at her and kisses her again.

"You guys go on ahead, I actually had something to show her before the movies." Twinkie says his eyes never leaving Katie's, making a blush spread. Kennedy and Melina snicker but head down to the beetle, driving off while Katie still stared at Twinkie. " You ready?" He whispers, not trusting her voice she nods her head and lets him pull her down the pathway to the chrystler. Once inside, before turning it on he moves in his seat so he is facing her. Cupping her face in his hand he leans down and kisses her with a passion that took her breath away. Breaking the kiss he opens his eyes and smiles at her and turns around to start the car. They take off at the fast pace Katie had become accustomed to when it came to his driving. Han watches with Jealousy as Twinkie Leans over and kisses Katie, He had been passing by the window when he spotted them, the car drives awayleaving him hollow feeling, his sandwhich abandoned on the livingroom table as he heads upstairs to his room, no longer in the mood to be around others.

Katie watches as her beloved city flies by the window in a blur as Twinkie races through the streets. She had given up trying to weasel out of him where they were going, the only information he would say was that he had found this place the other day when Dom had let him take his car out for a drive. Suddenly the city falls away an very familiar scenes surrounds them. A memory whips into her mind, haunting her like a pesky ghost, a memory of Mazda's and drifting, of laying in the grass making out. The old Air force base looms up ahead and she has to fight back the tears that threaten to overtake her.

"We're going to the old Base? Why?" She asks, her voice shaky. Twinkie looks at her from the corner of his eye.

"You've been here before?" He asks. She nods her head.

"Um Yeah Melina and Han and I use to come out here sometimes and drift on the air strip, sometimes just me and him, or me and her." She explains, her voice fading into a whisper. Twinkie's hand grips the wheel tighter.

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