Chapter forty-Six: Facing Down The Enemy

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Han lounges on the couch as Letty continues to curse at the new wrestling match as the wrestler she was rooting for gets pinned under a scary looking guy. Shawn tosses him a bag of chips just as his cell goes off. Excusing himself he answers it, talking rapid Japanese while heading into the kitchen. Dom comes in and kisses Letty on the head.

"Hey why don't we get out for a while, I hear Furious 7 Is in theaters. lets go see it." He whispers to her. She looks up at him

"If we see that without Katie she'll kill us." She smirks already getting up. "Lets go, Han you want to come?" She says. Han waves his hand at them shaking his head.

"Nawh I'm ok, you two have fun." He says watching them as they head to the front door, Bryan opening it and entering. The two ask him if he and Mia wanted to go to a movie before the party and he nods, heading back out with them, leaving Han and Shawn alone. Shawn comes back into the room while he disconnect the call, sweeping his eyes over the couch to find Han the only one. "The others went to see furious 7 you can still catch them if you want." Han says grabbing the remote and changing he channel, stopping at the movie Fried Green Tomatoes and props his feet onto the coffee table. Shawn shakes his head and grabs his keys.

" You and those weird old movies. I'm actually going to go head off to hunt down something to get Katie, See you at the party." He says and in fifteen minutes as his car speeds down the street Han finds himself home alone with his thoughts. He turns his attention back to the movie and watches as Kathy Bate's character whispers "To Wanda" and rams her car into a car that had stolen her parking spot, laughing as she did. His stomach growls forcing him to get up ad wander into the kitchen for something to eat, maybe one of those hot pockets Shawn had been eating earlier. He opens the freezer and finds the box, the empty box. Tossing in the trash he goes to the food cupboard and riffles through it for the box of raisin brand he knew was in there somewhere. The front door opens and slams making him laugh.

"What'd you forget Shawn? You're wallet?" He says as he pours himself a bowel going to the fridge to get the milk and pouring it too in his bowel. He takes a bite full, crunching the flakes as he heads back to the living room. He freezes as he sees the person resting against the back of the couch, the bowl nearly falling from his hands. Leaning against the back of the couch like he belonged, like he owned the world was none other then Takashi, picking dirt from his nails. At Han's Approach he looks up, a wicked smirk on his lips as his eyes fall on him.

"Well look at you, all healthy and alive." He says. Han just leans against the door frame needed the support as his legs turn to jello. He takes another spoonful, grateful for the milk against his otherwise dry throat.

"What are you doing here Takashi?" He asks, looking at his former business associate, not much about him had changed, maybe he was a little less muscular but other then that he still looked the same as he had six years ago. Takashi's face twists in anger.

"I'm not stupid, I knew you would never turn yourself over to me, willingingly, so I came here, were you can't hide from me." he says and with that he draws a gun from his waistband. Han's blood freezes, his breath caught in his throat as he stares down the barrel of the gun.

"Takashi lets talk this out like civilized men shall we?" He stutters, his tongue feeling thick in his mouth. Takashi regards him with a cold glare, Flicking his fingers cocking back the hammer. The clicking running through Han dumping ice water and adrenaline in his veins. He has just enough time to duck, the loud back as Takashi pulls the trigger ringing through the house. Dropping the cereal it spills onto he floor as Han bolts up the stairs, Takashi hot on his heels, another shot rings through the house, the banister in front of Han Exploding as the bullet tears through the shiny wood. "SHIT!" Han hisses as he runs down the hall, Slamming his door shut behind him, locking it, praying it would stall D.K for a few. Dropping to his knees in front of his bed and pushes aside the blankets, digging around until his hands hit the metal box underneath, just as he pulls it out pounding on the door erupts.

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