Chapter Twenty-Eight: Birthday Promises

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Katie wakes up to the sun Shining across her closed eyelids, Groaning she rolls over on her other side away from the light and cracks open her eyes, checking the clock. 9:50AM August 29th 2015. "Happy Birthday To me," She mutters snuggling deeper into her blankets, not wanting to leave. A knock on her door makes her peak her head out of her nest of blankets to see the door opening, Mia slipping in. She looks over at Katie and puts her hands on her hips.

"What are you doing still in bed? I did not just slave away in the kitchen on an amazing cheesecake just so you can stay in bed." She snaps, teasingly. Katie just sticks her tongue out and snuggles deeper, pulling the blanket over her head giggling. She hears Mia maching up to the bed and the next thing she knew the blanket was ripped off her body, making her yelp as the cooler air hits her. "Oh no you don't come on Up Up Up" Mia says clapping her hands with every UP.She lifts herself on her elbows and watches as Mia Goes to her closet and starts rumaging through it for an outfit for Katie to wear.

"Um Mia, Melina picked out an outfit for me when she came back to grab her bag." Katie says pointing to the folded clothes on her computer chair. Mia puts the other clothes back in the closet and examines Melina's choice. It was a tight jean skirt with knee length leggings to go underneath, Gold colored Flats that Melina had given her as an early birthday gift along with the shirt that completed the outfit. It was a gold metallic shirt that when Katie put it on it hugged all the right curves, its neck line just hinting at sexiness, When she put the whole outfit together even she had to admit she looked hot. Mia nods her head in approval and puts the clothes down.

"That girl has some kickass taste I have to ad mitt." She says spinning around to face Katie. "Alright Niece of mine get the hell out of bed, get cleaned up and make your self sexy," She says. Katie just flops back down on her bed, her arms spread out, a sigh of exasperation falling from her lips.

"What's the point? I don't want to be any where near them, Every time I look at Dom I want to punch him in the face, Letty I want to tear off that smirk she gets, and Bryan No offense but he is a total Asshole." She says staring up at her ceiling, the plastic stars mocking her. Mia just chuckles as she plops down on her Nieces bed.

"You're right Bryan can be a total asshole at times, as for Dom and Letty they are stubborn old fools. but you know they love you to pieces. as for the point, well like I said I didn't slave away in the kitchen on a scrumptious cheesecake just for you to hide away in your room, Come on You're seventeen! Celebrate it!" She says smacking Katie on the knee and jumping off the bed. Katie grumble a few indecent words under her breath before allowing her aunt to drag her out of bed and shoo her to the bathroom, her arms full of her 'Birthday outfit'. Mia shuts Katie's door and looks in the direction of her room just as Bryan was walking out.

"Hey baby, where's the b-day girl?" He asks wrapping an arm around her waist to bring his wife closer. He leans down and places a soft kiss on her lips before letting his hands drop. She smiles up at him, love shining clear in her eyes.

"She's getting ready, she has no Idea what's going on." She says, excitement entering her voice. Bryan's eyes darken and his brow furrows as a frown turns his lips down. "Oh Knock it Off Bryan this is a good thing." Mia snaps, annoyed by his big brother protection act.

"I don't see how letting a sick man back in the house a good thing." He says referring to Han. Yesterday Dom and Letty had gathered them up and discussed how Bringing Han back into the house would be better for Katie then keeping them apart. Bryan had put up one hell of a fight, cursing Han and saying how it was a stupid Idea letting him near Katie, but Dom had calmed him down and got him to see some of the bigger picture. Even Bryan couldn't disagree with the fact that Katie had become more open and carefree since Han had come around, and that without him here she was starting to revert back to the old distant Katie that worried him. Mia, with out hesitation agreed to letting him back, Bryan on the other hand had one condition that needed to be in place if he was to agree; Han couldn't go ANYWHERE near Katie. Currently Dom was out meeting Han to bring him back and Bryan was like a caged Lion, restless and waiting for a reason to strike.

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