Chapter Twenty: A Moment Of Peace

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Han wakes up to the sound of his door slowly opening,he opens one eye and tries to see in the darkness of his room, only a shadowy figure visible. The figure walks over to his window, grabs the curtains and yanks them violent, Brilliant light Flooding his room. He shuts his eyes and moans, pulling his blanket over his head, trying to shut out the light and keep his dream fresh in his mind.

"Get out of Bed Birthday boy!" Katie screams jumping onto his bed and pulling the covers off of him. Suddenly her hands were on his waist tickling him trying to wake him up, he squirms, shooting his hand out he grabs her wrist and yanks her to him, making her fall across his chest. Not letting go he flips the position until she was under him, her eyes Wide in awe.

"Don't tickle me." He says trying to sound mean. Her face breaks out in huge smile and he lets her go, slipping off the bed and heading to his dresser for a shirt. Grabbing the top one He throws it over his head and pulls it on It was only after he had fixed it in place that he realized it was one of his favorites, one that had a lot of memories. It was a dark blue shirt with orange long sleeves and a Japanese design on the front, memories of Shawn learning to Drift flicker in his mind and he smiles. He looks over at Katie and his smile falters. She was sitting at the end of his bed with her hands under her, her feet kicking slightly. It had been two weeks since the Cade incident and Katie hadn't really left the house, content on hiding away in her room, only letting Melina in and out. "Hey You OK?" He asks going over to sit down next to her, realizing she had been lost in thought. She manages to look at him and he can see the affects of her ordeal raging behind her eyes, but she just puts a smile eon her face and jumps off the bed.

"YUP! Now come on its Saturday the sun is shining and you have been sleeping all afternoon. Its 1 in the afternoon already!" She says in a rush trying to chase away her sadness, making Han's heart squeeze. She was trying to act strong trying to not let it hurt her but he knew her too well. She was screaming on the inside, tormented and breaking down, and he didn't know how to make it go away, So He did the next best thing .He put on a smile and let her drag him down the stairs to the kitchen where much to his surprise The others were gathered.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" they all shout to him making him laugh and shake his head. Dom had one of those silly paper horns in his mouth, Bryan a cone birthday hat on top of his head and the girls wore matching grins. Mia lit the candles on a Delicious looking Cake, The numbers 2 and 6 glaring up at him.

"Make a wish." Katie says slipping around him to stand next to Bryan who puts his arm around her shoulders. Han just stares at all his friends before settling on the girl he cared for. He closes his eyes and sends up a quiet prayer that she would be able to make it through this tough time and then , pursing his lips he blows out the candle. Opening his eyes to watch the smoke curl through the air around Katie's face rising above her like a smokey broken Halo, she looks at him and smiles a small little smile, her eyes crinkling around the corners,and he knew in that moment that she would be able to make it through this. The sounds of obnoxious cheering Breaks the spell between them and Katie looks down, Han blinks and the rest of the world comes rushing back, The sounds of fake hooting and hollering filling his ears. He looks around and sees the others Throwing Confetti around and Dom starts to sing "for He's a jolly good fellow" so off key he makes the other groan and throw confetti at him until he stops, ending it in a deep booming laugh.

"Cut the Cake Han." Mia says pressing a cake knife in his hands. He looks up at Mia with an eyebrow raised, surprised she would trust him with her baby. As if knowing what he was thinking she smiles and sticks her tongue out, " I trust you enough not to cut yourself or destroy the cake... that badly" She says letting go of the knife. He laughs and turns to the beautiful cake in front of him, it truly was a master piece. The cake had black cake fondue around it that he knew would instantly dissolve in his mouth as soon as it hit his tongue, he could practically taste the rich chocolate. On top of the cake surrounding the candles were little sugar street racing cars that he knew Mai had made from scratch, each one a different color representing the flavor they were, red for cherry, pink for strawberry, blue, green Orange. He smiles a small sad smile as he remembers his racing days. Stepping closer to the cake so he could cut it he stops when he sees the design that was around the edges.Before when he wasn't close all he saw was deep purples and blues with a few strains of pink, now close up he could see that the colors were blended together to create a sunset above an all to familiar skyline, it was the city of Tokyo. Emotions well up in his throat, tears burning his eyes.

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