Chapter Forty-Five In plain Sight

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Katie knocks sharply on Han's door, wiping her hands on her jeans as she waits for him to answer. His answer comes from the quiet sound of his door unlocking. Taking a deep breath she opens the door to find him Sitting back down at his desk, his feet propping up on it. She snickers when she spies the empty chip bag on the floor and the one that he currently had his hand in. He regards her with a quiet stillness that made her already shaken nerves jump to attention, her mouth going dry as she closes the door behind her and leans against it grateful for it supporting her weight.

"What did you have to talk to me about?" He asks, tossing a chip in the air and catching it in his mouth with expertise.

" The same guy I told you about from the store came back in today, I managed to take a picture of him without him knowing." She says her voice sounding loud in the otherwise quiet room. Han drops his feet and pushes out of the chair, walking over to her as she takes her IPhone out, hitting the photo app and scrolling past pictures until she found the right one. "Ah here this is him." She says clicking on the picture. The picture was at an angle and she only caught a side view of his face. But it was enough. Han stares at the picture, as all color in his face drains away, from the corner of his eye he sees Katie look at him. "Do you know him?" She asks. He takes her phone from her and zooms in on the face, letting a shaky breath out, the phone dropping to the ground. "Shit Han! this thing was expensive." She says as she bents down to scoop it up. But Han doesn't take notice, his mind halting as a slow terror seeps into his bones. Without a word he spins on his heels and yanks open his door, heading to Shawn and Twinkie's shared room, barely hearing Katie calling after him. He pounds on the door.

"Shawn open up! I need to talk to you." he says barely recognizing his own voice, it was shaking and showed his fear. A hand on his shoulder makes him jump to see Katie behind him with concern on her face. Before she has time to ask him what was wrong the door opens up to reveal Twinkie, rumpled , sleep still swimming in his eyes. He rubs an eye and looks at Han, his eyes sliding over to see Katie behind him, a frown turning his lips.

"What's going on, babe is everything OK?" He says look between the two. Han tenses for only a moment at him calling her Babe but he pushes it aside. He pushes past Twinkie much to his surprise and flips on the light, spying Shawn sprawled on his bed, snoring soundly. He goes over and rips the blanket off of him making him yelp and shoot up in bed.

"What the Fuck Man?" He yells, "Shit." He says grabbing a pair of sweatpants when he sees Katie, Twinkie doesn't bother putting on anything and goes over to her, putting hishands around her waist and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"Mind telling us what the hell is going on?" He says turning his attention to Han who was staring at them. Shawn collapses back on his bed and Twinkie tugs Katie over to his, letting her sit on his lap, all three training their eyes on Han. Katie Frowns and gets up going over to him.

"Han what's wrong? You're shaking." She says putting her hand on his arm, making him realize just how badly he was shaking. He shakes his head and gives her a grim smile.

"Show them." Was all he needed to say for her to know what was scaring him. Without hesitation she takes her phone back out of her pocket and quickly finds the picture, showing it to her brother and boyfriend. Just like Han as soon as the face becomes clear theirs turn white as a ghost. "Now you know." Han whispers. Katie looks up at him and sees the terror he was trying to hide.

"Guys who is this?" She asks looking between the three. They were giving eachother looks, conversing with only their eyes. Han stares at the other guys, pleading with them with his eyes to NOT get Katie involved, but he could see that The others want to, he hangs his head in submition making Katie look over to the others. "Guys?"

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