Chapter Nine: Back To Reality

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" KATIE! HAN! We're back! You Guy's AWAKE?" The sound of Dom's booming voice reaches the couple. They both shoot up in bed their eyes wide with panic. The others were home, Checking the clock on her bedside table she sees that it was only 6 in the morning, a full ten hours before they had expected them to arrive. Scrambling out of bed Han rushes out the door quietly shutting hers and opening his, grateful their rooms were across from each other, and far enough down the hall that they weren't seen from the front door. He just barely had time to jump in bed, pull the sheets over him and get his breathing under control before he heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Katie just managed to get her heart rate back to normal before a pounding at her door told her that Dom was right on the other side. Despite the close call she was filled with joy and ripped open her door, plunging into Dom's arms. She squeals as she feels herself being lifted as he spins her around in his arms. " I missed you kid." He says to her putting her back down in her opened doorway. Peering over his shoulder showed Han stepping out of his room appearing to have just "woken up" no sign of affection anywhere to be seen. Turning her attention back to the man who she considered her true father she gives him a Huge Smile and hugs him again.

" I missed you too! Where are the others?" She says letting go of him and looking around him for the others. " Oh hey Han, Morning." She says in a disinterested way. Han leans against his opened door in his usual manner arms crossed face serious, he gives her a nod before pushing off the door and heading to the bathroom, the sounds of the shower coming from behind the closed door. Dom looks at him then back at her, one eyebrow raised.

"Everything OK there?" He asks in a fatherly tone. Katie forces a laugh and just punches him in the shoulder, showing him things were fine and heads down the stairs to find the others ON the inside though her heart almost faltered, what was that all about? did something happen in the minutes they had been away? sudden realization dawns on her making her miss a step. Dom catches her. "Hey sure you're OK?" He says once she was steady. She nods her head without really knowing what he said. The reason for Han's cold demur was the fact that the rest of the family was back, NO more sleeping in the same room, no more signs of affection, they couldn't do anything but hold back and act "normal". Once they got to the living room though all her despair was swept under the rug as Mia threw her arms around her and hugged her so hard her breath was squeezed out of her.

"Nice to see you too Mia, but can I breath again?" She wheezes in a teasing voice. Mia laughs and lets her go so she could give Letty a quick hug. Brian was stretched out on the couch sleeping, clearly he was the last person to drive and was catching up on some much needed sleep. Looking at Mia with mischief in her eyes she sees Mia had the same look in hers. "BRO WAKE UP!" Katie yells before plopping down on his legs. With a startled Yelp he shoots up but was enabled to move due to being pinned under her weight.

"Jesus Kit Don't Do that!" He says slightly breathless. Dissolving into a fit of giggles she gives him a huge hug which he returned. Dom may be like a father to her but Brian was always like the protective older brother that she had always wanted.

Han watches Katie with her family from the top of the stairs a smile of love splayed on his lips as he watches the carefree childish wonder that always seemed to come out when she was with them. It was a painful reminder of just how young she was. It was easy to forget she was only 15 when it was just the two of them because her maturity and wisdom was that beyond a typical 15 year old had. After finally composing himself and making sure he wouldn't show an signs of his feelings he walks down the stairs and to the group.

"Hey guys how was your trip?" He says sitting on one of the mismatched end chairs. Katie looks at him her eyes going slightly wide before recovering her look of neutrality, making him all to aware that he forgot to put a shirt on. SHIT! Brian looks over at him and frowns, meaning he too noticed the obvious.

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