Chapter Fifty-Three: The First Time Is The Sweetest

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Han walks out of the Hospital with a smile on his face. Today was his last check up for a few months. Doctor Montgomery had just given him a clean bill of health, telling him that his wound had healed perfectly and he could resume life as normally. The two and a half months of hospital visits and torture were over. He jumps into his Nissan and speeds off, a smile on his lips as he thinks over his plans for the day. He had it all planned out. He wanted to take Katie on a late romantic Birthday date, he already had reservations made at a fancy restaurant that he remembered Katie mentioning she had always wanted to go, then after that he had a hotel room at the Marriott booked for them, so the could have a night together where they didn't have to worry about the family walking in on them. Even if all they did was hold each other and watch movies, he didn't care, as long as he could be truly alone with her. The prospect makes him smile wider and press on the gas harder, the Nissan easily speeding up as he easily weaves in and out of traffic, laughing as the drivers Honk at him and peg him off. A few moments later he stops back the Los Rentals, where Melina had managed to get Katie a job with her. He parks his car, locking with a click of a button as he walks toward the front door, the whole front wall panes of glass, showing the show room inside. Out of the corner of his eye he sees a sales man eye his car, a look of greedy joy entering his eyes at the prospect of a rich customer. He ignores the creeping salesman and enters the building, the bell softly tinkling announcing his presence. Immediately he spies Melina at the front desk talking quicking on the phone that was sandwiched between her head and shoulder as she typed furiously at the computer, nodding at whatever the person was saying on the other end. He walks over to her and leans against the desk, waitinf patiently for her to finish her call. She spies him, flashes him a smile and a wait a minute sign before going back to her conversation.

"Yes Mr. Steele, I just put your card number through the system, and the appointment is set, we have you coming by tomorrow at five to pick up your rental," She goes silent, exasperation written all over her face, though her tone pleasent, "We can add a GPS if you wish, Alright I'll make sure to put that in your file, Is that everything? perfect alright we will see you tomorrow at five, yes goodbye Mr. Steele." She says and quickly puts the phone done, ending the call. She sighs a very tired sigh before looking up at Han. "Why Hello Sexy eyes, Aren't you a treat to see on this lousy afternoon." She says with playful meaningless flirtation. Before he can say anything back to her an irritated hiss comes from behind him and when he turns he sees the salesman who had been eyes him moments before.

"Ms. Morales that is No way to treat a customer." He says sternly before giving him a flashy smile. "I apologize for my employee's behavior sir, Is there anything I can help you with, is there any certain car you would like to rent?" He asks putting on his best Saleman voice. Melina snickers behind him and Han has to bite back a bark of laughter as he shakes his head.

"Its quite alright, Melina here and I go way back, she's my girlfriends sister, speaking of which," he turns back to Melina, "Where is Katie?" Melina opens her mouth to respond but just then Katie comes barreling out of the ladies room across the floor, her purse and sweatshirt in her hands, as she gets ready to check out. She looks up from digging around in her purse for her phone and smiles wide when she sees Han, quickening her pace.

"Hey babe, I didn't know you were picking me up, I was just about to call Shawn." She says as she slides behind the desk with Melina. Melina moves over in her chair so Katie can have access to the computer, her fingers flying over the keyboard as she clocks herself out. "See you Wednesday Melina, tomorrow's my day off." She says to her best friend before turning back to Han, The salesman, whose name tag said Raymond Jones, was glaring at Han like he was wasting his valuable time, now that he was no longer the rich customer he had originally hoped for. "Goodbye Mr Jones Have a great afternoon." She says sweetly before taking Han's hand and quickly dragging him out of the building, a chuckle on his lips as she leads him to his car. She flashes him a smile and making sure they were out of view of her boss she pushes him against the side of his car and crushes her lips to his taking him by suprise the intensity behind the kiss. Breaking away she gives him a sly smile, before he realizes she had slipped his keys out of his back pocket. He shakes his head and goes around to the other side jumping in and barely gets his seatbelt on before she was speeding out of the parking spot. He laughs.

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