Chapter 33: Princess of Skyen

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It's been five days since we departed from Kain, and Zayn says that we're probably only two or three days away from Warcaster.

I've never been this anxious in my entire life before, even when I was in the capital. I have this bad feeling, like something is going to go horribly wrong. With every step we've taken, my bones have grown heavier, like some part of me doesn't want to return.

Everyday I've been practicing my sword fighting skills, and Zayn says I've improved quicker than he anticipated. Yesterday night, after practice, he said that "if we were still on Magora, he would've already taught me how to forge my own sword."

But we're not on Magora, which is kinda the whole problem.

Though, I haven't been able to shake this wary feeling. Something bad is going to happen, I can just feel it.

"Lillian, watch where you're going," Zayn shouts, and I blink, stopping my footing and glancing downwards, realizing that I was just about to trip on a root.

"Sorry about that," I say, blushing, and smiley shyly at him.

He looks at me, and for a second, I think I see a blush appear on his cheeks, but it disappears before I can be certain. He shakes his head, walking closer to me, and holds my chin in his hand. I look up at him, breathing harshly. We're close enough to kiss, and for a moment, I think he's going to kiss me, which frightens me. He's centuries older than me, and I don't trust him. I flinch, just slightly, and he blinks, looking away from me, though not stepping back.

"Just be careful, alright? I promised Trace that I would return you to Warcaster safely, which means I don't want you getting injured," he says, his voice extremely heavy and taut.

I speak quietly, "Of course. And Zayn, I'm sorry about worrying you. I was just daydreaming a little, okay?"

He nods and lets go of me, stepping back from me and starting to walk forward again. I follow him, looking down at the ground both to watch where I'm going, and to avoid eye contact.

Most of the time, traveling with Zayn has been great. He's very knowledgeable and agile, so I know that I'm safe, but then there's other times, like just now, where I can sense some ulterior motive, like he's not just doing this to help Trace.

Like he wants something. Like he wants me.

I shake my head, focusing on the scenery. That's not possible. Zayn doesn't want me. In any way. I'm safe.

For now. Until we return to Warcaster. Who knows what things will look like there? How do I explain a two-week disappearance? Nobody leaves Warcaster and returns. Ever. And what is the resistance going to think? What is Mom going to think? I just left them. Up and went and endangered all of their lives, without any explanation.

Plus, that's not even thinking about Kyler and Jameson. I'm pretty sure I ruined my friendships with both of them, and with my sudden departure, I think they probably both hate me now.

"Dammit," I mutter, the giant mess I made fully settling in. I really fucked things up, didn't I?

"Lillian? Is everything okay?" Zayn says, and I turn to look at him, keeping our pace steady.

"I hope so," I say quietly, not quite meeting his eyes.

"You hope so?" he says incredulously, and I laugh.

He pauses, waiting for me to continue.

"Well, I was just thinking..." I start, chewing on my lip.

"I assumed so," he counters, and I laugh again.

I laugh for a moment, and then catch my breath, continuing, "I was thinking about home, and when I return. I was just worrying about how I'll be received, you know, since I disappeared all of a sudden," I say, hugging myself.

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