8 | hope

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━━━━━━━ ∙ʚ♡ɞ∙ ━━━━━━━

Wake up, eat, go to school, study, eat, study, eat, sleep, repeat

Over and over.

That was Emma's lifestyle now.

The day she arrived at her new household, she noted it was pretty. Her room was.. well, not exactly a room, you could say it's an attic. Emma had to tidy up for hours to make it look more like a proper room since at first it was full of cobwebs, dirt, and really antique things, which she managed to use as "vintage" decorations. The place itself was extremely cold, almost as if it was designed to be a fridge of sorts, however that idea was silly.

Maybe, if things were different, Emma would've laughed at this thought, but now.. she couldn't.

She didn't really have any energy left to even smile.

Her parents were gone.

The two most important people in her life just... gone. It was incredible. One day, they were with Emma, smiling, communicating with her through sign language but now.. now she was alone, studying in her room with a stoic expression, unable to smile or laugh at anything. She was stuck in monotony.

Her aunt, unlike her two loving parents, didn't know sign language but she did not want to bother learning it either, so she just chose to ignore Emma, pretend she wasn't there. The only thing the woman did for her deceased brother's child was cook basic meals for her, she did not trust the girl with a kitchen.

Emma was studying in her room, something about biology, she doesn't know anymore. When they first arrived at home, her aunt gave her what seemed to be an entire library of school books and demanded she became the pride of her school, proceeding to start ignoring her presence afterwards. So that's all Emma did, she spend hours of hours of hours studying because everytime she tried to make the director understand she wanted to do something else, she just ignored her, making it clear that she wasn't allowed to do anything until she became the so called "prodigy of Grace Field Academy".

The first few weeks, Emma tried to entertain herself with other things but none were interesting enough, she wanted to go outside, she wanted to walk through the streets freely like she did before. So she tried her best to become what her tutor wanted her to be


One day, when Emma was just at the peak of losing her sanity, she miraculously received a notification.

Wow, she had been so focused on learning that she had even forgotten she had a phone!

She grabbed it and unlocked it, looking at the two messages she had, both from the same person.

Ray: (4 weeks ago)

I'm not being cold I just want to know

Ray: (3 minutes ago)


"How rude of me" she thought, she had ghosted the boy for several weeks, he deserved better, didn't he? "Being ignored is horrible, I feel bad for ignoring him" Emma thought.


Hey! Sorry for ghosting you, I got grounded (-,w,-)

There! She couldn't tell him the truth of course, as much as Emma hated to lie, sometimes she thought it necessary.

Ray: ( Just now )

What for?


My grades at school dropped a bit so I have been studying a lot lately.

That's not a total lie is it? Emma had been studying a lot, although her grades never really dropped, as she said, at the contrary, they got better and better but were never enough to satisfy the woman she lived with.

But Emma will keep trying, she'll put all of her efforts and determination in studying.

If she does.. she'll be able to go outside won't she?

She'll be able to dance once again!

"Come on Emma! Your parents said you should never lose hope!" She thought, trying to cheer herself up.

"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope"

Her Papá, Lucas, used to repeat that quote a lot, he explained that not because of a few bumps in the road must you refrain from reaching your destiny. He always said it with a smile, a contagious smile that made even her grumpy dad, Yuugo, smile genuinely.

Those two smiles... she'd use them as a reminder.

A reminder not to lose hope!

Speechless | RayemmaWhere stories live. Discover now