10 | kind children, rude adults

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   ━━━━━ ∙ʚ♡ɞ∙ ━━━━━━━

"Oh! You're awake! Guys! The girl is awake!" A little girl, who said her name was Alicia, exclaimed, calling out to the other kids.

Emma looked around, she didn't know were she was and she didn't think she could ask either, so she stayed quiet and looked at Alicia with a confused countenance. The child took a few minutes to understand what the situation was but when she kind of understood, she said, in the nicest way possible:

"Excuse me miss, can't you speak?"

The ginger was taken a back by how polite she was but ended up giving her a smile and nodding her head.

The blonde made a surprised expression but then smiled.

"I'm sorry miss, I don't know sign language or anything of sorts but... I have a notebook!" She grabbed an old looking notebook and handed Emma a pen to write with.

The teen wrote her first question on the book; "What happened?"

Alicia read it and then looked at Emma.

"You see, our brother, Ray, saw you faint so he brought you here so you wouldn't get sicker!" She explained, still smiling at her senior.

The mute girl grabbed the pen once again and wrote;

"Where is your brother? I want to thank him!"


"I'm a bloody coward." A certain black haired boy thought as he made his way to one of his many part-time jobs.

He had left earlier than usual, he didn't want the girl to see him.



Actually, he had no idea! His mind stopped functioning everytime he saw the ballet dancer, he couldn't think nor act properly and it drove him crazy.

"Get out of the fucking way, kid!"

What happened right now was a clear example of what he was referring to. He was thinking about the ginger and a car almost ran over him.

How great!

How he wished he could've actually seen her though...


Emma now had a better understanding of everything.

Alicia, nice as always, had brought her some tea and told her she had to go do homework but she was free to stay as much time as she wanted.

What Emma wanted was to leave right now since her aunt would probably be furious and who knows what she was capable of doing.

But what she wanted didn't matter right now, since her body refused to cooperate; her legs were weak and she could barely stand up without losing her balance, her head still hurt and she probably still had a fever.

So she decided, that she would stay a bit longer.

A little girl with black messy hair approached Emma and looked at her, then, with a grin, she showed the orange-head a drawing of a ballet dancer.

Yvette, the girl, started telling her about the drawing.

"Heyo miss! I wanna show you a drawing I made for my brother! It's a ballerina he talks about really often, you see? He said he saw her on a piano job he had. So.. Do you think he will like it?"

The antenna girl raised her thumb up, earning a "Yay!" from the little artist.

When she left, Emma couldn't help but feel amazed.

This Ray everyone in this place seemed to look up to... could it be the Ray she knew? The one who gave her a little cookie? Could it be him..?

However, she didn't only question the identity of this boy but the identity of the ballet dancer.

Could it be her?

Did this boy think about her often?

Emma blushed at her own thoughts and then made a gesture with her hand as if she was pushing them away ; she had more importants things to think about, like going home for example.

The teen, ignoring her wobbly legs, left the house and started walking home


She opened the door, cautiously, only to be greeted by Legravalima's severe look.

"Crap" Emma thought, with a worried expression on her face.

The woman grabbed her by the hand to her bedroom, which had more books than the day before, then, she locked her in.

Guess she would have to study, huh?


The girl started searching inside her closet for her phone, only to find it was gone, and on it's place was a note that said "I'm keeping this. Study."

"If only I hadn't gone outside.." she reflected, pouting.

Emma, with a gloomy look on her face, sat down in front of her desk and stared at the books in front of her, as though staring at them enough could burn them or something. She sighed and grabbed her pencil.

Time to go back to routine.

   ━━━━━━ ∙ʚ♡ɞ∙ ━━━━━━━.

Yes. I posted two chapters in a row. How awesome 🙇

Anyways, have a nice day!


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