33 | forgotten nakama

148 10 17

Norman was bored.

He sat on the sofa, distractedly watching the cooking channel, not being able to process a word the chef said.

He got tired of it so, on a whim, the albino stopped what he was doing and approached the door to his attic, then, he entered through it.

He started searching for a box his mom had given him yet he never had enough time (or interest) to check it out.

Once he found it, he observed it; it was a cardboard box with the word "childhood" written in it with big black letters. The box was covered in a fine layer of dust, which Norman wiped with his hand, causing himself allergies. Afterwards, he grabbed a cutter he had brought with him and opened the package.

Inside he saw all kinds of things; awards, photos, letters, toys.

He started scrummaging through the things, recovering memories as he did.

And then, something caught his eye.

It was a picture that was placed on a blue photo frame, covered with stickers and doodles drawn in permanent marker.

The photo showed Norman and many other kids who he supposed where his friends, little by little he started remembering each of those kids.

"Barbara, Cislo, Zazie, Vincent and.."


Norman stared at the little girl smiling next to him, making a peace sign over his head and showing one to the camera.

It was certainly the sunset-haired girl, there was no questioning it but..

The albino didn't remember her being mute.

The boy emptied the contents of the box, in a hurry, and began to search among them. He wanted to find a CD that his mother had given him. She claimed to have recorded videos of him with all his childhood friends. If there was a video that showed him and Emma, it was there.

After turning the attic upside down with his search, he found the disk he was looking for and put it in the CD player he had at home and that he rarely used.

The video started to play.

"Emma, what do you think of my son, Norman?" a female voice belonging to the albino's mother asked the fiery haired girl, as she recorded her. Norman sat beside his friend.

She made a serious expression as she thought and then she smirked. "Norman is my best friend and I love him very much! We are going to be adults together and live together in a little house in the woods."

"...Did Emma just speak?!"

Speechless | RayemmaWhere stories live. Discover now