26 | dance of reminiscence

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"Come on, Emma!" Ray said as he landed on the ground next to the school's fence.

The girl just stared, she was hesitant about the idea of jumping across the gate but then again, she didn't think her friend had ill will, that's why, she decided to go back to her usual happy go lucky attitude, which had kind of faded lately.

She sighed, crouched down to some degree and then impulsed herself, jumping above the fence and landing on the ground so gracefully that Ray thought she did this all the time.

Then, without saying anything, she started walking ahead of him and when she noticed he wasn't following, she stopped, turned around and smiled at him, a gesture that at the moment meant "What are you waiting for? Come on!"

Ray catched up to her and started showing her the way once again.

After a few minutes of walking through the hallways, only being illuminated by the dim-light emitted by the lanterns outside, they arrived at their destiny, the dance clubroom.

Emma stayed next to the door, surprised and shocked, while the dark-haired boy went towards a CD and cassette player, located on table placed on the middle of the room, and turned it on.

He reached for his pocket and pulled out a yellow cassette with the words "That Night" written on them. Then, he placed the tape inside the cassette drive and turned up the volume.

A song that Emma recognised as the song she danced on her first show started playing, however, it wasn't a tune you'd find by just looking for it on the Internet or on a shop, this specific tune was the one she heard that night.

The one played by Ray.

He extended a hand towards the ballerina, inviting her to dance, the girl accepted, with a sweet smile on her face.

They took a moment to catch the rhythm but once they did, the couple was in perfect synchronisation, anyone who didn't know it was their first time dancing together would've though they were dance partners or something of sorts.

They spinned around the room, following the music and like that one night where destiny got them together, they talked while being speechless.

They felt each others pain however they did not feel pity, they felt accompanied; when they were together there was no force existent that could make them feel alone or hopeless, when they were together everything felt possible.

Everything was possible.

Emma's antenna swinged as they danced, making Ray chuckle, to the girl's delight.

They continued their speechless exchange, both genuinely smiling as they had done all night, it was impossible not to, after all..

They loved each other more than anything.

The boy rested his head on Emma's shoulder while they danced, he was tired but at the same time he was glad that he was with her at last.

"Emma, I'm.."

"I'm love with you Emma." That's what he would've loved to say but instead, he said:

"I'm glad everything went as planned"

Speechless | RayemmaWhere stories live. Discover now