11 | Emma

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3:00 AM sharp. Emma left her pencil on the desk and stood up, not caring about putting away her various books this time. Then, she grabbed a black raincoat and a stuffed a portable umbrella on the inside pocket of it. With her sneakers on one hand and a hand-made rope on the other, the ginger quietly opened her bedroom window and mentally prepared for her escapade.

Her parents had taught her to always thank anyone that helped her, that's why, she had to thank the boy that had taken care of her during her illness.

With a faint sound, Emma landed on the houses's garden and started walking to the road, careful not to step on anything. Once on the road, she put on her shoes and tied the shoelaces so she wouldn't trip, afterwards she started marauding around the city again, coming closer and closer to the neighborhood she had visited yesterday.

She was there.

And he was too, on his window, humming the same sweet lullaby Emma had fainted to yesterday.

That was the boy she met at Don's father's show.

The girl looked around the floor, looking for something, after a while, she found it. It was a little rock. She grabbed it and aimed at the window, which was open, then, she threw it carefully, she didn't want to hit Ray.

The black-haired boy noticed the rock and looked for the person who had thrown it, once he saw her, he let out a small "w-what?". The orange-haired girl waved, smiling from ear to ear. Ray lethargically waved back, a perplexed expression on his face, he was unsure whether this was a dream or reality, however, he decided to go meet her, just in case.

They sat on the side-walk, next to each other, it had started raining, so the girl who's hair resembled a sunset took out her umbrella and covered both of them with it. They didn't say anything but it wasn't really awkward, it was the comforting type of silent. Neither of them felt forced to speak at the moment, so they stayed like that for a few minutes, until Emma remembered why she had come all the way here.

On her way here, she stopped at one of those markets that are open all day, and bought a lot of food with the money she had earned from dancing, this was because when the children had spent time with her, she couldn't help but notice how all of them looked too thin, as though they didn't eat enough.

The girl handed the food to Ray and smiled. Then she pulled out a small notepad from her jacket and wrote something to him, making him blush. Luckily, the ginger didn't seem to notice the tint of pink on the boy's cheeks.

She then, let out a small gasp and hurried to write something else on the notebook, then she tear out the page, handing it to Ray.

"My name is Emma! I also attend Grace Field Academy"

The boy held the paper on his hand and was unable to retain a smile.

He finally knew her name..


It meant "whole" or "universal".

Little did Ray know, that the teen, would soon mean the universe to him. She would be what made him whole.

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