Weird experiences

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Alina woke up to something Choking her. For some reason she wasn't able to force her eyes open. When she tried to call for help she found she couldn't use her voice. She couldn't hear anything and couldn'tbreak anything other than the feeling of being choked.

After a few minutes the feeling of Choking stopped and there was a loud thud behind her.

Her senses immediately came back and she looked behind her to see who it was. She saw nothing but what she uses to transform. She sighs and looks at the time.

3am. She groans knowing she won't be able to get more sleep tonight.

She touches her neck and feels as though it burns. She closes her eyes.

She hears another thud and opens her eyes once more. Nothing.

She goes over to her closet checking in it. Nothing. She looks around her room. Nothing.

She doesn't realize immediately but she started crying.

She tries to call out for her brother, but she can't speak, her vision goes dark and once again the Choking feeling returns.

Zara had woken up feeling as though somethings was off, she tried calling Alina four times before running off to her house. She claimed into Alina's bedroom window. She she got inside Alina was seemingly passed out of the floor.

Zara ran to her and picked her up.
"Alina! Alina?"

Alina opened her eyes and smiled.
Zara sighs.
"Are you okay?"

Alina says nothing.


Still no response.

"Okay... um just, just close your eyes and try to sleep, you're okay, I'm right here, I'll always be here for you.

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