Zara's emotions

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An: sooo i may or may not have broken my computer after the last update... anyway: 

Alina and Zara spent the rest of the night together, Alina staying silent while Zara rambled on about random things she had found a new interest in, things she already had interests in, rambling away. 

It was now morning Zara had no Idea when either of them had gone to sleep but, that was fine. At least they slept right?  Four hours after school started? 

Zara sighs, she looks down at Alina who was still sleeping.  Even though Zara knew Alina would be upset about missing school, she didn't want to wake her after the night she had. 

She stayed silent and silently watched as Alina slept. She had watched Alina sleep quiet a lot when they were kids, their sleepovers seemed endless. She loved watching, it was one of her favorite pastimes. She worships Alina, and getting to watch her sleep like the angel she was was Heaven for Zara. 

Zara loves watching her loved ones sleep, she would pretend to have nightmares so she could sleep in her moms bed when she was younger just to watch as her mother slept. She's done it many times. Even know when Zara's mother falls asleep next to her, she will stop everything she's doing for a while just to watch. 

Zara closes her eyes, not really wanting to sleep, but knowing it most likely will happen anyway. No matter how much sleep she gets, if Zara closes her eyes before an hour of being awake, she'll fall right back to sleep. And so she did. 

Zara woke up to a frantic Alina. Alina was passing around the room and rambling to herself. 

"Alina?" She quietly said, not to startle Alina who was in something like a tranced state. 

Alina turned to Zara.

"Zara... we missed a full day of school." She frowns. "I'll be set back a day!" 

"It's only a day Alina, plus we can probably get today's lesson from Y/N." Zara tried to reassure her. 

"... Zara we missed a day of school its our responsibility to make sure we get those notes not Y/N's!" 

"Alina it'll be fine, we'll figure something out. Plus, Y/N might just want to help... Maybe... hopefully they didn't fall asleep during class again..." 

"But.. what will dad say??" 

"He probably already knows, I made quite the commotion when I came in. He probably knows you needed a day off... You don't let yourself rest unless you're with me or Y/N. Plus, we might get new sailors soon, we should keep our energy for helping them. Not school." 

"... I'm gonna go study." 

"Alina... please..." 

"What Zara?" Alina seemed annoyed with Zara's presence

"... You need to stop being so stressed... Please... I know you care about your future, and whatever but... you need time to just... stop."

"... Not today... just... not today." 

Zara sighs. "Whatever."

Zara ends up going home soon after. She looks up at her ceiling and frowns.
"I just wanted to help." She mumbled. 

"What's got you so bummed?" Zara sits up only to see her mother. 

"...Nothing mom, go away." 

Her mother lifts an eyebrow. 

"... She refuses to take one break!! I mean seriously this is one stupid day of school that she misses and she completely freaks out! And then she gets all like 'What Zara' like a butt face!! like I get it school is soo important, but missing one day isn't gonna kill us, plus we have Y/N anyway I'm sure they'd help us out if we asked for it! But Alina gotta be like 'nooo its our responsibility' screw responsibility for once in your life! You need a break and yet you wont take one! Just take one! Please just take one! And don't get all like 'noo Zara we can't' for once just let me help you please just let me help you for one time Alina!! I know I'm just a friend but I want.... I want.... I want you to be okay... I want to protect you and be there for you Alina... why cant you see that... I.......... UGH mom she is just so stupid!!" 

During Zara's rant Zara's mother, Kami, sat down next to her and started to stoke her head. At the end of the rant Kami chuckled softly. 
"You know how she is Zara..." 

"Yeah yeah." Zara turns to her side to face Kami. "That doesn't mean its not annoying... You love me and I still annoy and frustrate and irritate and make you want to choke me sometimes."

Kami laughs. 

"... So... how's dad?" 

"What made you bring him up all of a sudden?" 

"I was just wondering... we mentioned Alina's dad when I was over there this morning... it made me think of him I guess." 

"...Don't love... you don't need him." 

"I know... but, I still miss him... he only left just last year..." 

"And you know why he left, because he's a bad person who can't even except his own daughter for being who she is. I know you miss him... but he doesn't deserve to be in your life..." 

Zara had come out to her mother about being bisexual with a preference for women around three years ago now.  Back then Kami just smiled and nodded. No matter what her child was still her child. Whether  her child was trans, gay, or anything else. Plus she herself was bisexual. 

Her father was obviously a different story... he despised the lgbtq community, he called them freaks of nature. So he left his family, after Kami refused to let him kick Zara out of the house. 

After that Kami despised him, wished death upon him, the divorce was being finalized now, and all she had to deal with was child support. He probably would try to get out of paying anyway. The thought made her even more disgusted with him. 

"Mom... he's still my dad..." 

"...I know... Anyway, I should get back to work. Love you dear, and I beg just tell Alina you love her."

"I can't do that!" 

"Whatever." Kami smiles at Zara before walking out. 


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