Sailors Power

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Author's note.

Hey guys sorry for the wait! Lots has been happening, school, and stuff (mom got into a car crash/lots of school drama/boy trouble ect.) But I'm going on a trip and I'll be taking a break from school and stressful stuff so, I'll have the time to write again. Yay right?

But today isn't actually going to be a normal chapter like you might have hoped, this was going more into detail about some of the Dark moon princesses and her sailors abilities.

Anyway, let's get started.

     Sailor sun, to get a refresher of what she looks like go to the chapter names "New characters that will come up" (It recently has been changed)

      As you know the ability she is immediately able to use when she first transforms is shining star, described as 'an orb of sorts, of light and heat'. She creates a small star, one small enough to be held by her and her alone. If anyone else comes in contact with it, they will get hurt, depending on her feelings towards you, it could go from 2nd degree burns to being able to burn you alive instantly.

     Soon she will be able to get a new ability, called Burnt Rose, the same orb, but multiple and they are in the shape of rose petals and they seemingly track the person she is attacking. Unlike Sailor Moon's sailor guardians, they constantly go back and forth with their old and new abilities, since each has its own unique value.

     Shining star is more concentrated, it deals more damage if it hits than Burnt Rose could, though Shining star can be dogged, Burn Rose cannot. She will get more abilities later on, but she only gets them by getting over a milestone. And finding the power within her to create a new ability.

     Sailor Earth's first ability was 'Mothers chains', vines come up from the ground trapping the opponent, or as it's described 'chaining the creature to the ground'. They are just as they sound strong vines that are able to trap opponents. But though they are strong they can still be cut.

     Sailor earth will actually get two new abilities, One called Love's Life. soft plants start growing around someone, and begin to heal that person, though Sailor earth cannot break concentration when using this ability, or the spell breaks and the plants die off, and she isn't able to do the spell again until she gets her full strength back.

     The second is called Mothers heart. People say a mothers heart is as strong as steel, so what this ability does is the same as Mothers Chains, but as soon as they trap the opponent they turn to steel. If it is scratched, new vines will grow on top of them and also turn to steel. Not only that, she is able to make a steel sword with this ability. But when she uses Mothers heart on someone, she cannot release that person. So Mothers chains would be better for capturing and interrogating.

I will explain the others abilities when they are able to fight alongside Dark Moon, Sun and Earth. And I will explain Some of Dark Moon's abilities when the entire team is collected. See you then. 

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