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I sit up, my head was pounding, and I felt as weak as I did in my dream. I groan and lay back down. I look to the left to my bedroom door. I felt as if someone was there. I swing my legs over the side of the bed and stand up. I slowly walks towards the door and opened it. 

No one was there. I sigh as I shut the door and go to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

I go to my closet and pick out my cloths for the day. White shirt, with black jeans, white knee high combat boots with a back and white plaid shirt. I grab a towel and go into the bathroom. I start a bath, as the tub is filling up, I brush my teeth. 

I strip and get into the bath, i stop the water once the tub is full, I wash and relax in the tub for about 15 minutes. Once i get out I drain the water and get dressed. I then brush my hair and style it. 

I then go downstairs. 
"I'll be going now." I informed as I heard towards the front door. 

Once I exit the house and close the door I go to where I assumed I would find Zara and possibly Alina . Once I get there I see the both of them sitting on a bench. I walk over to them. 

"(Y/N)!" Shouted Zara as she saw me walking towards them. I smile at her and sit next to them when I get to the bench. 

"You came here all on your own, I'm honored!" I chuckle as I roll my eyes. 

We talk for a while, soon Zara leaves to go to the bathroom. I turn to Alina. 

"What... was that dream last night?" I ask

"So you were really there! I... don't know... it's the first time anyone else has remembered what happened..."

"Who... was that lady?"

"She was... Queen Serenity..."

"Yeah I got that part but.... why was I locked up?" 

"I don't really know..." 

I nod and sigh. I then hear a loud crash. I stand and look over to what was happening. Their were three other sailor gradians all on the floor. A wave of people started running towards us trying to get away from the destruction. Zara runs over to us and we all go find a place to transform. 

(Question... do you guys like Nutella? I'm mildly allergic but I like it, I just wanted to ask)

Once we transform we run over to the other three Sailors. 

"You guys okay?" Zara asked as she helped them up, she absent mindedly started healing them. 

"Uh, yeah." The blondie said, "Thanks." 

"No problem!" Zara said with a smile. 

Right before the monster was about to attack Zara pulled the three girls out of the way as we all jumped away. The three of us turn to the monster. 

The monster ran towards us quickly. Zara moved in front of us, "Mother's chain!!" viens came out of the ground once again and tied the monster down. She jumped back as Alina and I attacked together. 

It was like, we all read each others moves perfectly we knew what the others were going to do next. Fighting beside them was so intresting,, I loved it.

"Eclipse!!" We both exclaim as a mixture of greys and golds go towards the monster. 

It tried to break through the vines, but before it could our attack hit him. The three of us ran inside, knowing the fight wasn't over. Once in the building, Alina used 'sunlight', just a small light that illuminated 8 feet around 

The other three girls come over to us. 

Zara, Alina and I look at each other. We nod and continue forward. The girls follow. 

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