New Sailors

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It's been 4 days since the week started. I Was off my period and feeling much better than the day before. I didn't have school that day but by 4 am I was already up and ready for the day. I walked downstairs, my step mother nor my father were up yet.

I grab a pin and a piece of paper.

'Deer parents
          I'm out early today. I'll be back by dinner time. Sorry for the inconvenience.

I grab a small bag and head out. I walked around for a while. I see an open jewelry store. I walked towards it and saw that two girls around my age were already inside. I went inside to see them more clearly. One had medium length golden bronze hair, the other with long, natural golden hair. I study them, getting a weird feeling. It was a feeling like I knew them... I shook my head and walked around the store looking at all of the jewelry.

I flinched when I heard a loud crash. I heard the two girls scream and I quickly turned to face them. A tall skinny female had been in front of a broken window. I bite my lip, not knowing if I should transform. I sigh.

"Moons Dark power, make up!" After transforming I quickly use my ability to get the female monster thing away from the two girls.

DL runs in soon after with two wands in her mouth. She tosses them to the two girls as I continue battling the thing.

"You two-" DL started.

"Talking CAT!!?" The burnet exclaimed.

"Yes yes, now shut up and transform!!" DL shouts.

"Transform?" The blond questions.

"You yell Sun power make up, you say earth power make up." DL explains.

The two look at each other then do as told.

"WOW! We look awesome!" Sailor Earth exclaims.

"You need to help Dark Moon." DL says worriedly looking over at me.

They look over at me.
Looking back at DL Sailor sun asks seriously
"What do we do?"

"You both have abilities, sailor Sun, your power is called Shining star,  Sailor Earth Yours is called Mothers Chain. GO Go help Dark Moon!"

They run over to me. Sailor Earth shields me with her body.
"Mothers Chain!!" She exclaims, vines come up from the ground and outside chaining the creature to the ground.

"Shining star!!" An orb of sorts of light and heat roasted just in front of Sailor Sun. Her hair weaving behind her as the orb was sent to the creature at incredible speeds. It seemed to have turned the monster into ash.

The girls look at me.

"Hey are you okay?"

"Yeah... that thing, seems to be well equipped to handle the darkness... Thanks Sailor sun." I de-transforms. "I'm (Y/N)."

The other two de-transform as well.

"I'm Zara, Sailor Earth."

"I'm Alina (fun fact Alina means light.)Sailor Sun."

Zara smiles.
"Does this mean we all fight evil together? Are there more of us? What's our mission? What do we stand for? This is so cool!!"

Alina giggles.

DL walks over to us.
"Yes, and there are... five more to be exact. And your mission is to find the two princesses."

"What do we stand for?" Zara asked again.

"You'll see.. In time. For now, you three should get to know each other, you're going to be working together for a very long time."

"Right! So new friend what would you like to do!?" Zara asks, turning to me.

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