Monster Manner pt2

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When school ends I decided walk around a bit before I go back home. I come across the same line I was in before school started.

It seems longer than when I left. I thought. After an hour of walking around I decide to go home. I cross paths with Umino. I fell something off about him I shrug it off and go home.

Once night came I think about what I felt when I walked passed Umino. I shake my head like it would get the thoughts out and go to sleep.

Next day, I go back to school. When I walk in I hear our teacher yelling at Umino. I ignore it and go on with what I need to until I hear footsteps I look back at the two and watch as Umino lifts the teachers skirt up. I cover my mouth and watch him walk away.

I look back at the teacher. Anger boiled up inside me but I act calm. I go to class. I was peacefully doing my work until I heard Umino laughing. It caught me off guard and I accidentally broke the tip of my pencil. Everyone in class looked at him.

"That's quite enough out of you!!" The teacher exclaimed. Pissed off at his behavior. She walks over to him but gets tripped. I go over to help her up. I argue with the kid who tripped her. Almost everyone was surprised. I never talked in class... Now I was yelling at a kid for tripping the teacher.

I heard Umino laughing again. I turn twords him.
"SHUT UP ALREADY UMINO!!!!" I yell. He doesn't. I sit back in my seat and try to ignore him and all of the stairs.  I overheard Usagi and Naru talking. But soon they stop because Umino and some others started throwing rocks at a teachers window.

I turn twords the gate and see the fortune teller lady standing in front of our school. I heard another crash, this time Usagi, Naru and I all go over to scold the boys.

"Stop that!" Usagi commanded

"What do you think your doing!?" Naru exclaimed

"You need to stop!" I say.

"Hey, Usagi." Even I was uncomfortable with the way Umino said Usagi's name.

"Stop saying my name like that."

"How about a kiss?" He put both hands on her shoulder. She started to tear up. He leaned in and she started crying loudly.

"I can't stand you like this!!" I push him away. She continues to say, "I CAN'T STAND YOU!!!" And she continues to cry loudly.

"Come on let's get outta here guys!" Umino says. I try and calm Usagi down while they leave.  After she does, I walk home.

I was informed by DL about the house of fortune. I wasn't surprised. I go there and transform.  I see Sailor Moon already the boys. Tuxedo Mast throws a rose. And she covers her eyes. The boys stop trying to hurt the pretty guardian, I don't hear what about but Sailor Moon and Tuxedo Mask start talking. The monster was about to attach her while her back was turned but I stopped her. I kicked her hard enough for her to go flying into the wall.

"Sailor Moon! Use your tiara!"

"Oh right!" The monster tried to attach us but we dodge.

"Moon tiara!"

"Dark tears!"


"Shine!" Our attacks merge into one, making even stronger. It defeats the lady and I turn to leave.

"Thank you!" I look at her.

"No problem. See ya later." I then go back home.

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