Girls day out begins

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It's been a week since I had met the girls. Zara, Sailor earth, seemed rowdy and fun loving. Cheerful and  exited about everything. She was so sweet... but loud. Alina seemed elegant, soft, quiet, and calm. Though I have seen her get mad a few times it's not pretty. She'll lash out and tear you down if you mess with someone she cares about.  I saw some people learn that the hard way. 

It was midday, on the weekend. I wanted to stay in bed, since last night we had to go fight another monster and I didn't get much sleep. But... Zara had texted saying she wanted to have a girls day out . 

I sigh as I look at myself in the bathroom mirror.  Oversized white shirt covering my high waisted jean shorts. Black leggings with knee high combat boots. With my hair down. 

I go downstairs. 
"I'm going out!!" I shout out as I leave the house. I then run to where she told us to meet up. Once they're in my view I smile. 

"(Y/N)!!" Zara exclaimed when she saw me. 

"Hey." I responded as I slowed my pace to a stop being only 2 feet away from her. 

"Did you run here?" Zara questioned as a car pulled up behind us. 

"Yes." I answered as I watch Alina get out of the car that was now parked. 

"Hello." Alina greeted, with a small smile and a wave.

"Alina! Alina! (Y/N) ran here she cares!!" Zara exclaimed, throwing a formal greeting out the door. 

Alina chuckled. 

"Is that so?" Her soft, sweet voice lingering in my brain. 

"Say one more thing and I'll never meet up with you guys outside of out sailor forms ever again." I said crossing my arms and turning away. 

"Don't be mean!!" Zara shouted. 

"You're so loud! The whole of Japan can hear you quie-." I spot Mamoru, my eyes follow him. 

Zara, with a confused look on her face looks pinpoints what I was looking at. Her eyes lit up as she saw him. She looks back at me with an evil look on her face. 

I still had my eyes on Mamo.

My eyes quickly shift to her and I watch as she runs over to Mamo. 
"Zara!!" I shout as I chase after her. 

Alina watches the both of us with an amused look on her face.

"Hey!" Zara said as she stood in front of Chiba. 

"Um... hello." His voice laced with a bit of confusion. 

"Mamoru! Hi." I say as I get closer to them. He turned to me and a light smile appeared on his face. 

"Hey (Y/N). It's been a while." 

"Yeah it has." I say and I give Zara the evil eye. 

He notices and chuckles. "New friend?" He questions. 

"YES!!!" Zara cuts me off and hugs me, "New friend so who are you?" 

"Just another friend." He responds. Alina comes over to us. 

"Just so you know, today you have to stay away from her. Today is a girls day and you're a guy, so you're not allowed." I sigh as she releases me from her grip.

Mamoru chuckles, "Sure." he started to walk off. 

"Wait Mamo!" I shouted after him. He turns to me.


"Uh..... never mind....  I had a question and I just answered it in my head sorry." He nods and walks away. 

"That was totally a lie." Alina chuckled. 

I roll my eyes. 

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