Monster Manner

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// Y/N POV\\

I walk not really knowing where but not really caring. I then saw a line/crowd of people going into an alleyway

What's happening? I thought to myself as I got in line. Someone passed by me after I got in line but the man was going the opposite direction.

I shrugged it off and tapped the girl in front of me on the shoulder. She turned back around and looked at me


"What I this for?" ~ I ask

"Huh!!? What do you mean 'What is this for?', you're here to see the fortune Teller, right?" ~ the girl asked

"... No not really." ~said I as i get out of line.

It's not that i don't like fortune teller's, I really do appreciate them. But I never really liked seeing them. It made me feel like I was desperate.

I check the time and start walking to my school.

I got there quickly still have time to do whatever I wanted. About 10 minutes later the Ms. Teacher person started taking attendence.

To be honest I never remembered any of my teachers names. I never saw the point if i never needed them.

Soon enough Usagi tried to sneak in, she got caught and once again had to stand outside. I smile a bit and focus.

What a weirdo... I thought

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