Alora and (Y/N) short

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Set in the past.

"Come on you always wann do a puzzle or just anything!!" Alora whines as she looks at (Y/N). (Y/N) hadn't really been responsive lately. Alora couldn't figure out why. She saw no brusis other than the regular ones, no cuts, no threats, nothing that seemed to be different.

Maybe (Y/N) couldn't take being home anymore, or maybe... Alora stopped her thoughts from going farther knowing she'd only cry if she let her thoughts roam.



"You'll always be my friend... right?"

"Of course I will no doubt in my mind!"


"Look (Y/N) no matter what happens in the future, I'll find my way back to you, and make you smile again."

(Y/N) smiled as she tried to hold back tears. Alora simply hugged her.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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