Shark Week Starts

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I open my eyes. A sharp pain ran through my body from my lower area. Slowly I curl up into a ball, every second of my doing filled with immense pain. I knew I had to get up soon if I didn’t want to ruin my sheets. I call for my step mom and soon, she opens the door and comes inside my room.

“I can’t be bothered with going to school today.” I said in a whiny, pain filled voice.

“Okay, I’ll go call the school.” She responded. She turned and walked out, closing the door behind her.

After about twenty minutes I get off of my bed, with small, pain filled grunts. Once I stand up fully, the pain lessens, and I walk to the bathroom. I whine when I realize I forgot everything I needed to do what I wanted to. I go back out and find a comfortable outfit. I run a warm bath, more so on the hot side knowing I was going to be there for a while.I undress and step into the bathtub. I sit down letting the warm water ingolf my body. I close my eyes and relax. After around an hour I got out. I get dressed making sure to put my pad on. I then went downstairs and took some ibuprofen to help the pain. (okay so the thing is I’m dislexic and i can spell or read out loud. Like i spell a lot of things wrong and i will stare at the word even if i clearly know what it is but i won’t say it, it just won't come out, but i’m actually really proud of myself because I spelled  ibuprofen on the first try and that is just so big for me but i also feel stupid because that’s what made my day…) I go outside and sit on the porch. I watch the clouds and wait for the pain to subside. Once it does I go back inside and decide to clean.

Hours later, after cleaning the kitchen, bathrooms, living room, and dining room, and hallway, the pain starts to come back. So I go to my room and lay down, I stare at the ceiling and quietly cry. I cried for what felt like years but in truth it was only a few hours. I felt alone, not really knowing why, all I know is that it felt so big even though for the most part I’m alone all the time. When I hear the front door open I stop crying. I sit up and slowly make my way downstairs to see my father. I start crying again and go to hug him. He chuckles and hugs back, he strokes my hair trying to calm me down. After a while I do calm down, and look up at him.

“Are you okay love?” He asks. I nod, but keep everything I wanted to say to myself. He kisses my forehead. “I will be in the kitchen if you need anything okay?”

I nod then go back upstairs. I lay back down and end up falling asleep again. Three hours later I was woken up by my stepmother.

“Dinner’s ready.”

I whined and fell out of bed. I get up with the cover still wrapped around my body. I slowly make my way downstairs and to the dining room. I sit down on my seat and let the cover fall off of my shoulders. I look up at my father and step mother then to the food. I start to eat and after I swallow my first bite I start crying.
My father looks at me with a soft look.
“What’s wrong love?”

I couldn’t get the words out through my tears, after about fifteen minutes I started eating again. Soon I finish. I look up at them.
“I’m going back to bed.” I say as I put the covers over my shoulders again. I make my way to my room again. I lay down on my bed. I closed my eyes but I wasn't able to sleep. I sigh and turn to my side. I listen to music until I fall asleep.

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