My nights

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Sorry for not updating in a while I've been busy. I got a new girlfriend and family problems most of witch are unsolved. Anyway let's get started! So I'm also starting first person 🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮🔮

I didn't eat today I thought as I got off my bed. It was currently 2:42am. My brother and my mother were asleep so I decided to go downstairs and make myself something to eat. "Cold." I respond to the kitchen tile and my feet. I continue twords the fridge and make myself a sandwich trying to be as quiet as I can.

As I was eating I go outside. I look up at the crescent Moon. My favorite moon phase was the (M/F) (an: mine is the new moon 🌑) but I enjoy the other moon phases as well. I stayed outsider for a few more minutes. I then saw a cat.

I stood up and looked at it it ran off as soon as I moved. I went back inside. I decided I wasn't gonna go to sleep.

Hours later I hear a knock at the door. I went down to the go get it  I saw my father standing there.

"Happy birthday baby." I looked up at him and put on a fake smile. "So today is your birthday and I know how badly you want to be a singer and dancer so I was thinking you could mo-"

"She's not going with you father!" I hear my brothers voice exclaim.

"That is not your choice." My father argued pushing me behind him.

"(Y/N)! Come here now!" My mother command.

"She's old enough to make her own decisions!" My father's said, angered. He took me by the hand and we left. I was extremely annoyed. Oh so NOW you care!? I thought. We soon reached my father's new house. We walked in I noticed a few beer bottles on the floor. Oh great

"Hunny bunny are you home?" A girl who looked a few years younger than my father came down the stairs. She saw me and smiled. "Hi I'm Anaya (any-a) your father's new wife."

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