A day at the gym

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I turn the alarm clock off and sit up. 
I go to the bathroom and get ready. During that time i weigh myself.

I should start working out again... I sigh and go downstairs. I grab a piece of toast. "I'm off!" I inform my father and step mother as i head out. 

It didn't take me long to get there and when I did I realized I was early.
"I really need to change that stupid alarm." I say as I finish my toast. 

During Lunch i notice Usagi staring at Naru while she ate. 
"Where's your lunch?" She asked 

"Oh well, uhhh..." 

"Usagi!" I hear Umino call out. The girls look at him, "Sounds to me like you forgot to bring your lunch today! Here! Have mine! It's delicious." He said as he showed her his mostly eaten lunch. 

"No thank you." 

"I see. So you're on a diet now, huh?" Naru asked as she, Usagi and two other girls sit in the grass


"Me too." On of the other girls say, "I know how you feel. It's really hard to stay fit." 

"Oh, is it?" All three of the other girls say 

"Usagi, why don't you try swimming? It's a good way to stay fit." 

"That wont work, she's no good at it." Naru says 

"Too bad." 

"I've tried things like fasting and eating pineapples to lose weight. But none of those fad diets ever last for very long."

Again all the three girls say, "Oh, they don't?" 

"I think the best diet is falling in love, because then you want to look good!"

"Have you ever been in love before?"


"No kidding." 

"That's right... Hey, wait, what do you mean by that!?"

"Listen, you're just born the way you are, and there's nothing you can do about that." 

"You know, you of all people are one to talk." 


I stop listening to them I only restart listening when i hear the scream of Umino and Usagi and Naru chasing him.  I sigh and go to the gym named Shapelin. I change into my gym cloths and i hear Usagi and her friends come in. 

I don't say anything and make sure i have everything i need. We all go out together and i see the guy from before. 

What is he doing here? I sigh and look up at him.

"Welcome to Shapelin. Are you new members?" 

The girls behind me gawk at his looks. 

"I'm one of the instructors at this gym." 

"Oh, uh, we should tell you that this is our first time here." Usagi says. 

"Great! Just come this way." 

I split from the group as soon as we start working out.

"Keep it up! Push yourselves to be fit, and all of you will end up gorgeous." 

Oh please. I think.  I hear something about a Shape Ray. When they're not looking I sneak in using the pen i was given before. 

I then hear him start to speak
"Yes. I'm here, Queen Beryl." 

I couldn't hear exactly what they were saying but I knew someone was speaking to him.

"No need to worry, We to are continuing gather a large amount of human energy for our greater ruler. " 

The person spoke again 

"Right! These foolish women are determined to lose weight no matter what, so I'm sure that this plan will be a complete success." 

The three girls then come back out

I go back upstairs hearing them go towards my direction. I sigh and leave and go for a walk trying to think of a plan of action. I then spot Mamoru and it completely escapes my mind as i go over to him. 

I saw him talking to Usagi, she threw a pork bun at him, he caught it and started eating it as he walked away. I go after him 

"Oi! Momo!" He looked back at me and smiled.

"Oh, hey Y/N." 

"What was that?" 


"With you and Usagi?" 

"You mean Bun head?" 


"That was nothing, I just like to tease her." 

"That's mean!" He chuckled. 

Small intervention (A/N) { 
Okay so I've been reading this book called Everland, basically like Neverland but not at the same time. I actually like it better than Neverland but anyway, so I really like this book, and no matter what whenever i think of a male love interest I think of Pete. (Peter Pan but not... older, more mature, 17, and um... well... amazing) I love him so much. And I love his relationship with Gwen (main character) and her little brother. I'm straight up trying to not spoil any of it but i don't have anyone to talk to about it and I can't really contain myself when i like a book this much anyway thanks for reading if you did, Bye.

"Are you two friends or something?"

"No, we just have the same class, she's quit loud is all." He chuckled again, "I mean, I can tone her out! But... I don't know, I want to be close to her but... I feel like I'm only allowed to watch her from afar... I don't like it but I just can't bring myself to talk to her." 

"Well than." 

Another Small intervention { 
I can't help but make him a little like Pete I'm sorry, so if he sounds a little unlike himself... my fault sorry.

"Yeah, sorry, I shouldn't have-" 
"No, It's fine-"
"You sure?" 

We fall silent. The awkward silence starts to turn a peaceful silence. We continue to walk and I lightly bump into him. One of his friends call out to him and I step away from him when they came over. They start talking but I don't say anything. After a while I just kinda stray away without telling him I was leaving. 

I go to the park and practice fighting. 
Maybe if I could-no... ugh! I sigh 

"I'll figure it out as I go." I close my eyes and sigh once more. 

I go home and do my homework. Without eating dinner I go to my room and fall asleep. 

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