Princess and Endymion short

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I had been ice skating in an empty area. Silently dancing to music in my head.

I didn't notice as Endymion came up behind me. He softly grabbed my hand and turned me to face him.

"Hello my Love."

"Endymion... hello."

I push away from him, Serenity would be awake at this time. She should not see me so close to the man she loves.

"I don't think your mother would appreciate you being out so much, even with no one around to see you."

"And yet you're here, why aren't you with the my sister."

"I couldn't keep my thoughts away from you." He said as he grabbed my hand once more.

I simply nod.


I look at him.

"I love you."

I sigh and smile at him. I take my hand from his and skate away.
"You love my sister."

"Its the other way around." He said skating after me.

"No." I say harshly.
"You love my sister."

He gives me a saddened look. And leaves me to skate.

I hug myself as I watch him.

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