Girls day out pt2

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The girls had dragged me to an arcade. I didn't play any of the games, just watched. 

"Aww!!" Zara called out in distress as Alina beat her in another game, "I had that one though!!" 

I laugh.
"No you didn't! Alina destroyed you. Again." 

"We'll then Miss meanie pants why don't you try!?" she exclaimed tired of my teasing. 

"Nah, I'd rather see you get destroyed by the master again." I smirked. 

"Ugh! Next time I'll beat the both of you!!" Zara declared. 

"I have no doubt in my mind that I would destroy you." 

Alina smiled as she watched Zara and I go back and forth, but she couldn't shake the feeling of something being wrong. No mater how she tried to distract herself from it. It was the same feeling... she got in her nightmare the day before she found out she was a sailor gradian. But it was a dream. Why do I have this feeling.... is this a dream? She questioned. She never really could tell the dreamland and the real world apart. Her dreams were so vivid... so real... it was as like two separate worlds.... but both her life... in her dreams she would got to sleep and wake up in the real world and when she was asleep she would wake up in dream world... She could feel pain as though her body was being attacked. But she could never see by what. She could never see herself in the dream world, but she knew what she looked like. She looked the same.... older but she looked almost exactly the same. 

She frowned. She tuned us out and she tried to get ahold of the feeling, she wanted to make sense of it. It made her feel more confused than before, she only felt it in her dreams. Why was she feeling it now. She was so sure this was the real world, she needed to know what was going on with her.

She closed her eyes. 

Zara and I looked at her.

"Alina." Zara called out for her friend. There was no response. I look at Zara.
"Alina we're sorry if we upset you, we won't fight anymore." 

No response. 

Zara shook her. "Alina... Alina... Alina!" Again. No response.

Zara looked at me as she let go of Alina. 

"We should call her brother... He'll need to take her home." Zara mumbled. I nod in response.

Zara goes to contact her brother. 

I look back as Alina. She was falling limp. I sat next to her and let her lean on me so she wouldn't fall and get hurt.

About 15 minutes later her brother comes. 


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"Thanks for looking after her." He smiled at Zara and I as he picked his sister up bridle style. 

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