Our first kiss (short)

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An: WHATS UP PARTY PEOPLE almost xmas if you celebrated Honican or anything else other than xmas hope that went well hope you have a great time sorry for forgetting I had a wattpad for a month wasn't my fault (it was but we don't mention that) let's get started 

Endymion took my had as he led me to a large garden, it was the first snow of the year on earth, and I'd always wondered what it would look like. Such pretty colored leaves being covered in unique white flakes of snow. I wouldn't help but only pay attention up at the sky, in a seemingly endless spiral of white. Mother wouldn't be happy that I left what she called a room, but her anger can be dealt with later, now all I wanted to do is look up at the sky and feel Endymion's warm hand held in my own. 

Endymion lightly tugged me to a bench where he sat down. I looked at him, then followed his action. 

"You really like the snow fall..." Endymion mumbled, taking note in his mind. 

"I wasn't allowed out of my... room much, I never really saw snow fall or... the clouds like you've shown my sister. She saw it as beautiful... and she was correct. I can see why she loves it down here..." 

Endymion nods.  
"I can see were you both come from... though I find the moon kingdom much more beautiful." 

"That's only because you get to live in such a beautiful place!" 

Endymion chuckles, "Maybe." He wraps his arms around you and the both of you go quiet for a few moments. He then gets up faces you and extends his hand to you. 

"Dance with me." 

"A dance?" I question 

He nods. I smile and take hold of his hand.

We dance, carful steps and delicate movements come easy. The cold hair seemingly freezing the tips of my ears and my nose. Though I don't mind, a beautiful scene with us like this in the fresh snow. No matter how cold I was, the warmth of Endymion kept me content. Soon enough though I break away from our dance and grab the fallen snow, it's to fresh to make a snowball with so I simply toss it up in the air and watch it fall over Endymion and I smile.

Endymion looks at me with love in his eyes. Something only, he could show me. He pulled me close. "I love you... I really do (Y/N)." I say nothing as our faces drew closer. "May I?" he whispered. I only gave a nod but with that he kissed me. 

Our first kiss. 

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