First Fight

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"Dark Moon? Huh... Cool and uh... How I this possi-" I stopped mid sentence hearing someone crying nearby. I run to the sound. It led me the Jewelry Store. I covered my ears.

"To. loud!"

"Here's your chance! Throw your tiara at her and yell Moon Tiara Action." Luna explained

"But why would I wanna do that? What's gonna happen?" ~ A girl in a blue skirt whined

"Just hurry up anddo it!" A black cat commanded making the young girl in the suite similar (or not) to mine. I look away from the girl as she starts to make her move

Way to bright I thought. I heard a scream and looked at the still standing weird thing.

"Huh! B-but I thought it was gonna work. Luna You Tricked Me!!" The girl yelled

"Dark Moon." I look down at the talking cat.
"She couldn't defeat that monster so you must Yell Dark Tears Shine."

"Dark Tears Shine!!" I was lifted up into the air, was surrounded by darkness. I stretched my hand out as all of the dark energy surrounding me attacked her. I saw a pile of ashes, I was shocked to see that it disappeared, but then came back to my senses.

"Well done the two of you. I won't soon forget what happened here tonight." I looked up to see a guy in a tuxedo, mask, hat, and cape.

What I this cost play now or something? He then leaves the girl with a blush of her face fallowing him outside.

I look down at the cat.
"What's your name?" I ask

"Oh I'm Darklight." ~Darklight

"Is it okay if i just call you DL?"

"Uh... I guess?"

"Okay. Let's go." We go back to my house. I soon fall asleep.

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