Alora is home

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Y/N's Pov: 

I walk around the park alone. I had just walked Zara home from school, but I didn't want to go home. I sit down on a bench. I look down at my leg, yesterday I had hurt it while protecting Zara. I sigh and look up at the sky. A few girls from my school walk by. I look over at them. 

They look at me and wave. At first I was confused, I didn't talk to many people at school, I just hung around Zara and Alina when I could. But maybe I seemed more approachable nowadays because of my friends. I smiled and waved back at them. 

They start to walk over to me. I watch them quietly. 

"Hey! (Y/N), right?" asked a blue haired, green eyes female, "Hi I'm Amrin! I saw you in the arcade a couple of days ago. I was wonder if you would ever like to play together?" I scan over the group, then I see Light. I look back at Amrin and I nod. 

"I look forward to it! How about two days from now?" I said with a smile. 

"Sounds wonderful! See you then."  She gives me her number and then she walks off her group of friends follow. 

I look back up at the sky, I remember the song I had been working on. 

(Guess what I made a song) 

I started singing softly. 
"Do I wanna live like an untold story?
Watching my friends getting all the glory?
Biting your lip as you look beyond me
Now you caught me, felt so sorry.

Looking away as you-Hold your breath 
As you stair- At my death 
Fighting you tears as I- Felt so cold
And then I thought-Now I'm bold."

As I continued someone cut me off. 

"I watch myself live an untold story
Watching my friends getting the glory 
You hold yourself as you look beyond me
Regret you hold you felt so sorry." 

I look behind me to see Alora standing there with a small box in her hands. My eyes widen, I start to tear up.

"Alora!" I run over to her and give her a big hug. 

"(Y/N)!" She exclaims as she hugs back. I then pinch her. "ow-" 

"How dare you! Where the hell did you go! You just disappeared one me!" She looks at me, then laughs.

"Sorry (N/N), I kinda had to deal with some stuff in Australia, family stuff y'know?" She explains. I sigh and smile at her. 

"Glad you're back love." She giggles and then kisses me on the cheek. 

"Same here. Also I got you a gift." She hands me the small box, it had a neckless in it. 

I smile

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I smile. 

"You like it?" She asked. 

"Obviously bitch." 

"Great hoe." We laugh. I take her hand. 

"Where do you live?" 

"Same place I did two years. Still know where it is?" I nod. We talk there hand in hand. After I drop her off I go home. I go upstairs and head to bed. Without getting ready or eating dinner. 


I feel someone grab my arm and pull me back, but I don't look at them. 

"You can't go! You could die!" They yell, frustrated, sad. I pull away from the person. 

"I don't care I have to save him!" I respond. The person lets go of my arm and goes down the my hand, holding with both of theirs. "____ Please... I can't... I need to save him." 

"We need you. Please! We can't loose you again! Stop hurting us like this, we're supposed to be friends, why do you insist on hurting you're friends!?" 

"I don't!" 

"If you didn't you wouldn't risk your life again and again!" They scream. "I know you care for him, but he isn't worth your life! You are the queen along side Serenity, and you know she would follow you to the ends of the universe ! Your nation will be lost without you two! 

"I love him!!"  

"37SD&h4$M?&8*!!" Static


"You promised me! &uIFBA^843@%?on ((4792,9qBGa.4783q 6(()0247DHiL>92 jhs//WOU792 340vaisinfvzjn fvaov 035888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 888888888 88888888888888888" Static 

"SHUT UP JUST SHUT UP!" I turn to her. Is that... Zara? "Leave me alone for once in your life will you!!?" I push her away and ran. 

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