A day to myself

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Today I had no school, and I hope I didn't have to go fight another one of those stupid monsters, but who knows. I wanted to hang out with my father today but he was called into work rather early.  As did my step mother, oh well. 

I go into the bathroom, take a shower, wash my face, brush my hair, brush my teeth, get dressed and do my hair. 

I grab a bag and head out

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I grab a bag and head out. I think of places to go so I wont be bored, i mean... I have no friends so i don't have anyone to hang out with. 

Maybe try and make some? I think. I brush off the idea. I end up going to the arcade. I see the guy Usagi obviously had a crush on and the guy who called her bunhead the other day. They were talking to each other, I just watch them.  I sit down at a racing game and lace my bag down. 

I started listening to them, but i found nothing interesting. They stop talking and Mamoru walked but tripped over my bag. I heard and ~oof~. I look at him, I watch him get up. 

"Sorry, I shouldn't have paced my bag there." 

"No, no, it's fine." He said as he looked at her. 

"Are you sure?" 

"Totally!" He said smiling. 

"Okay." He stands. He noticed that I was alone. 

"Can i play against you."

"... I mean... if you wanna lose after falling, sure."

"Ha, i don't know about losing." He said as he scratched his head. I chuckle. 

"Okay." (boomer) He sits beside me. 

We started playing, the first through third I won... we don't talk about the fourth and fifth... We spent the day together, we had gone out for ice cream and we had a lot of fun. It was nearing 10 o'clock when we finally sat down on a bench. 

"Y'know you're actually pretty fun to be around." I say.

"you were doubting me?"


"Uh-" I laugh. I almost fell off of the bench. He grabbed my arm so i wouldn't. My eyes went wide as a something like a dream or a memory cam into my head. 

"Daber." My vision goes from the outstanding building that was once in front of me. I see a boy but not his face. 

"Endymion!" I run up and hug him. He hold me. I felt safe and comfortable, i stay there with my arms around his waist. He chuckled.

"Hello, love."

"I missed you!" 

"I know, I would have been here sooner but i was caught by your sister but Sailor Earth got me out of it."

"Heh, i still need to thank her for last time."


"Wait... when i said i missed you said 'I know" does that imply that you didn't miss me?" I move away from him.

"N-no! I did miss you!"

"I was joking with you, you big idiot ."

"Still as improper as ever Princess Daber." I heard a voice from behind me. I turn to look at them. I saw a flash of light brown before I was pulled into a hug. 

"Sailor Earth!" I smile and hug her back. 

"As always. Also i heard you needed to apologize to someone?" She said as we break away.

"They already know who they are."

"I'm pretty sure they would like to hear it instead of knowing."

"Thank you for everything you have done for Endymion and I."

"As always my princess." She smiled. 

"(Y/N), (Y/N)!!" I open my eyes and i see Mamoru. 

"Sorry, I... i don't know what happened." 

"Yeah... are you okay?"

"Yeah... Uh... what time is it?"

"Um," He checks, "Uh-noway!"


"It's 12:26."

"We should get home, I'll see you around." I say as i stand up.  hear him murmur a 'yeah' when i do. I walk until i'm out of sight, once i am i start running home. Luckily i wasn't to far, it took me two minutes to get there but i need to get to my room that was on the second floor before Dad comes to check on me, I climb a near by tree and jump over to my room's window. One more minute. It was already open so i took no time getting on. I run to my bed and hump on it pulling the cover over me at the same time. 

After a few seconds later i hear Dad open the door. He turns my light off then when he saw the bed he turns off the light and shut the door then walked away. I sigh and get up. I go to take a shower, brush my teeth, and change into my pj's. I sit down on my bed and think about the day i had. About an hour later I fell asleep. 

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