One day at a time

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I woke up
Got ready 
Went to school 
Fought monsters 
Went home 

Woke up 
Got ready 
Went to school 
Fought monsters 
Went home 

Woke up 
Got ready 

Same thing, over and over and over again. It's getting draining. I don't even want a normal monster-less day anymore, in fact I want something exiting to happen, something where I won't get so bored but exhausted at the same time. Alina and Zara don't seem to mind it, though they're always hanging out together. Sometimes I join in but, they were friends long before being my friends, so I let them have their alone time. 

Back to being bored- we have fought so many monsters since our last power up thing and not another one? I personally think the girls and I deserve one. We've been doing a good job, except for that one time Zara broke her am by being slammed against a tree... or when Alina's brother noticed her coming home covered in cuts and bruises...or when we all came back to my house without DE transforming, we ended up telling dad we were dressing up as the new superhero's, or when DL was caught talking by Zara's mom, or when- that's enough or whens. 

I do think we talk about what we do too lightly. We get hurt... we could even die but we look back on those times like they're funny. It's not surprising that we've almost been killed. I remember being scared for my life and all I wanted in that moment was to hug my father one last time, other than that I was just screaming 'I don't want to die' over and over in my head. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for Zara using a knife on the enemy. Zara said that when she broke her arm she felt tense and fearful, she said that all she wanted to do was scream but her voice just stopped working. When Alina and I defeated the monster and I saw the bone poking outside of Zara's arm I threw up. Alina took her to the hospital and I caught up when I calmed down. Then there's the time Alina almost died, Zara and I had been trapped in a glass ball, we couldn't break it, there wasn't much air and it was shrinking. The monster kept hitting Alina, cutting her, kicking her, pulling her up by the hair- Alina just said that she was fine with it, she was happy to meet Zara and I, she didn't mind dying. That's when the monster threw her aside, she landed in a pile of broken glass. Zara started pounding on the glass harder but the monster let us go, calling us boring. We both ran to Alina to make sure she was okay, it was late night so when I turned back to fight the monster once more it has already disappeared into the shadows. We all De transformed and we helped Alina walk home, she had a bad cut on her leg so it was hard for her to walk. when we entered the house was when her mother caught us. We said that we had been exploring an abanded building and that Alina tripped and fell into the dirty basement. She scolded the three of us after making sure her daughter was okay, we found out that night that her brother had noticed a long time ago. 

We've all been through a lot... yet they still fight for me. I'm scared to ask them why they do. They're both people who would do anything for the people they care about . . . but doesn't that mean that they should stop fighting? To live on for their families? Who knows. 

I know that the other sailor gradians have also been fighting monsters. Do they also get as hurt as we do or are they more cautious and organized?  Why do they fight? 

What about Light? Will she ever decide to join us? If she does will, she leave when she see's how dangerous it is and how at risk of death we are? 

What about the other sailor gradians that haven't been found yet? Will they be like Light? Will we all get along? If we can't all get along enough to fight a monster what point is there to fighting monsters? What if they decide to side with the second princess instead of the first? What if Endymion is never found? What if we're all doing this for nothing? What if we can't even defeat the-

My phone rings. It's Zara. I answer. 

"Hey uh- I don't know how to um-well uh-so-you see-" Alina takes the phone. 

"DL is dead." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2022 ⏰

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