Your Father

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While I was out I saw someone I never expected to see. My father....

(3rd Person)
Your father was a good man but on occasion he'd get drunk that's when he hurt you. He never did find out that he hurt you no one told him he thought it was your mom and brother. But he was the one who hurt you the most.

I mean you were an emotional girl.

You trusted him... Then out of the blue he divorced your mother.He left you with the people you hated most. He came to visit you occasionally but it wasn't enough. You started to hate him

He's the reason I'm here alone! I hate him. Was all you could think.

Soon you were able to leave your family but your brother always found you... Probably because of who you turned out to be...

I Don't know if I should continue this

Should I?

And no your not 18 yet but you are able to leave meaning you are 13 ok?

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