Dream world

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(Alina's pov) 

It was still night. My brother and father had gone to sleep. I was calmer but I was scared to go back to sleep. I didn't want the pain to continue... I didn't want to hear the hurt voice of Zara again. I didn't want to go back. 

I look at the wall directly across from my bed. I saw a picture of Zara and I handing there. I've had it for three years, it's my favorite picture, though I want one, where all three of us are together. Without the bickering, even though it can be a bit funny.

I stand up. I couldn't bring myself to do anything. I just stand there, not moving. It wasn't until ten minutes later did I sit back down on my bed. My body still wanted sleep. I close my eyes and lay down. I didn't want to, but I was curious to see what happened. 

But when I entered the dream world, I wasn't where I was the pervious night. 

((Y/N's pov) 

I look up at the ceiling, warring about Alina. I sigh, I'll find out tomorrow. I think as i turn to my side and fall asleep.

I was somewhere dark. It was if the absence of light was the only thing I knew. Chains hold me down, my body was heavy. As if I hadn't slept or eaten anything for... years. Behind me a large door opened. I realized I was in the fetal position, laying still on the floor. I was wearing a tattered white dress. Torn, some parts burned. 

"Princess?" I hear a soft, soothing voice call out to........ me?

(Alina's pov)

I open a large white door, that leads into a dark room, with a single girl laying in the fetal position. 

"Princess?" I call out. Princess? Is she the princess we're looking for? Where is she? Where can we find her? Where is the other one? Stop, stop, just listen. I tell myself. 

((Y/N)'s pov) 

I force myself to sit up, no matter how much my body ached. The sound of the rattling chains ringing in my ears. I turn to her, my eyes widen as I see her. 


(Alina's pov) 

I watch her sit up and turn to me." 

"Alina?" I hear her say. 

"(Y/N)?" I say as my eyes widen. I run over and hug her. 
"You know who I am!" 

(Y/N's pov) 

When Alina hugged me, it hurt. I don't know why, but I didn't hug back. 

"You know who I am!" She exclaimed. 

"Yes why wouldn't I? What happened at the arcade? Why did you fall asleep?" I question. 

She gave me a confused fused look. 
"Fell asleep.... at the arcade? Oh, right... I don't know what happened, sorry." 

I shake my head. 
"I'm glade you're okay." 

she nods.

"Where are we? Is this a drea-" 

"Eliana!! Eliana!!" I hear. 

(Alina's pov) 

I hear a familiar name being called, something I felt as though I needed to answer to. I turned around and look at the opened door. 

The queen. 

"Eliana!" She looks into the room.

I tense up. 

"Get. Out." She demands. 

I look at (Y/N) then at the queen. I look down. "Yes.... my lady." I say as I slowly stand up. No... why am I doing this. I don't want to leave her. I slowly walk out of the dark room. 

I turn to look behind me to look back at (Y/N) but the Queen quickly slams the door shut. 

"Alina!!" I hear (Y/N) yell before the doors fully close.

"My Queen why-"

"We shall not speak of this." 

"That's not fai-" 

"What did I say!? You will serve Princess Serenity and keep you're mouth shut!" 


"Do as you're told!" She demands. Princess Serenity comes up behind the queen. 

"Mother?" Her soft voice spoke. The queen turns to her. 

"My daughter. She smiled, my one and only love, what are you doing here?" She asked. 

"I heard a commotion. Is everything alright?" 

"Of course my dear, come now, we should be going, this isn't a good place to be."   

Serenity looks at me with a smile.
"Lets go Eliana." (Oh btw Eliana means daughter of the sun)

I nod. She starts to walk away. The queen turns to me. "I'd expect this behavior from Abani, but not from you." (Abani means earth meaning Abani is Zara) She then follows her daughter. 

I turn away and ran towards the spot Endymion told me to meet him. 

"Endymion!!" I call out when I see him. He turns towards me. 

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I was able to open the door but.... the queen. She..." He sighs. 

"I guess I'll just have to see her next time... Tell her I'm sorry... I know her being in there is all my fault... I..." 

"Endymion, she doesn't blame you. Please, hold on for just a while. You two love each other, we will find a way." 

"We should tell the others." 

"They're to loyal... especially Z-... Abani... If we tell her of our plans... she would go straight to the queen... we can't..." 


"Sorry... I... I trust them with my life... but they wouldn't understand..." 

"Abani of all people would understand! She knows what it is like to do anything for the person you love!" 

"She has no love!! Not anymore! Not after what they think he did to them! They see the princess as a threat, the queen fears her own daughters power! It would never work. And it's all my fault!! I can't risk hurting someone else... if I fail again... I will be the one to fail. Not my brother... not my friend, and not you." 

"But they can not go own without you. You are the gradian of the sun!" 

"I know! Sailor gradians... they're to loyal... they don't know how dark their queen truly is... They trust her... We should go... Serenity is expecting us... the both of us."  I say as I walk away. 

I wake up so the sound of my alarm. I look at the picture of Zara and I. I start to tear up. Resentment abhorrence was the only thing held in my mind.

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