Thanksgiving special

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Okay so the bad news is I won't be updating the main story for a while, I'm kind of in a depressed rut. This 'update' is gonna be short. 

The good news is, here's a thanks giving special, and I have decided to do short stories off to the side of the main story because that's what I have the energy for. Hope you enjoy 

Zara had invited us to her house early in the morning. Once Alina and I got there we helped Zara help cook for her family, Pancakes, Bacon, Eggs, Biscuits, salad, all sorts of yummy items. We decided to eat later and we went outside. 

Zara grabbed a bunch of the falling leaves and threw them up into the air, she grabbed our arms and started running through the leaves. 

Alina yelps but quickly starts giggling. 

I smile and run faster then Zara, I go over to a pile of leaves and kick the leaves into the air. 

I grabbed Zara's hands and we began spinning around quickly, Alina ran over to us and pushed us into the leaves. I quickly grab her arm and bring her down with us. We all laugh as we continue to play in the leaves. 

I grab and arm full of leaves and dump them on Zara's head. She screams then laughs Alina jumps on to my back, pushing me forward. I yelp. 

"Hey no fair I wanna piggy back ride too!" I smirk 

"You're gonna have to catch us!" I stabilize Alina and start running. 

Zara chases us, soon enough we go back inside to eat breakfast, well brunch... 

After we eat, we go outside and play a bit more. We then walk Alina back to her house and Zara walks me back to mine. 

"Have a good day!" 

"You too!" 

That's the end of it sorry! I just wanted to right something fun and sweet because of the holiday, hope you enjoyed   

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