Next Day

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I was woken up by my alarm. I sit up an sit there for a moment. I then move my legs from off of the bed and stand. I go towards the closet. I pick out my cloths then I go to the bathroom. I take a shower, wash my face, brush my hair and teeth and get dressed. 

I go outside and start walking to school. While I was walking i saw something about a sleeping sickness. Apparently you won't wake up. 

Oh how much I want that. It sounds just like dying to be honest... I should look into that after homework.  I thought .

The walk didn't take me longer than fifteen minutes. I enter my classroom and wait for everyone else. Everyone was here, even Usagi was here. 

"Naru, where is Ms. Haruna?" Usagi asked her beloved friend. 

"No one knows, she hasn't come yet." Naru answered. 

"Lucky for me!" Usagi slightly exclaimed, not to loud but louder than she was talking before. 

"But still, it's quite extraordinary for Ms. Haruna to be running so late. Quite irregular." Umino states. 

Then the door opens, revealing an exhausted or... woozy Ms. Haruna. She was dropping things as she walked to her desk and was wobbling. She nearly fell but stopped herself by grabbing onto the table.  She stood up straight and did an exhausted sigh slumping down. 

She slowly opened her attendance book . As said tiredly, "Alright, I better take attendance." Then she did a weary sigh as she dropped it onto her desk. 

The students started murmuring and I spot a flower brooch on Ms. Haruna's shirt. 

Usagi see's it as well and gasped. 

"You know, on second thought, let's just have a free period today. So go ahead and study whatever you want." Ms. Haruna sighed, "Just... so..." She yawned, "Sleepy..." She puts her head on her desk and stars to snore. 

Umino started to say something to Usagi but i stopped listening to him as soon as her started. 

Soon enough Ms. Haruna was carried out by a stretcher, everyone was gathered by the window watching as they put her in the ambulance.  I was lost in my own thoughts so I wasn't really paying attention to what they were saying. (Honestly the only reason i'm not typing out what they say is because I'm sick and tired.) 

I walk home but catch glimpse of Mamoru. 

.... Homework and Dark Moon can wait right? Totally! I  internally ask myself before rushing over to him. 

"Hello Mamoru!" 

"Oh hey (N/N)." 

"Hey."  We start to walk together. 

"Have you been listening to that 'Midnight Zero' Guy?" He asked me. 

"Ummm No. What's he about?"

"He reads girls love letters and gives them a flower brooches. Lot's of girls are sending letters in."

I hear someone bump into the pole next to Mamoru and I. I look over to see a fallen Usagi quickly getting up, bowing and apologizing. Mamoru goes to starts chuckling. 

I giggle slightly. 

"You!" She said while looking up at him.

"Very polite of you to apologize to a telephone pole."

She got angry and growled.

"I know walking and talking at the dame time is difficult for you, but you really should pay attention to where you are going." He laughed as he walked away, I follow.

"Oh, shut up!" I hear her shout. I look back to see a blushing Naru.

"Hey, Usagi, do you actually know that guy?! 'Cause he is totally gorgeous." 

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