Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Brant's POV

I got into my truck and slammed my door so hard my whole vehicle moved. I peeled out of the neighborhood  towards the ranch. Once on a private back road, I pulled over and I unleashed my anger. I began beating my fist into my steering wheel, into the ceiling, dash, anywhere I could hit, I did until my knuckles were bloody. I grabbed the wheel with both hands and screamed as loud as my lungs would let me.


I could literally feel the anger seeping through my veins. How could she do it? How could she willingly have sex with a man who raped her?? Did she ever even care about me at all? All the thoughts were racing through my mind before I came to my senses.

Jess wasn't like that. I knew her. She wouldn't fuck him out of spite. Something had to have happened leading to what transpired. He got in her fucking head again, I know it. He used something to manipulate her into letting him close...but there's no way I'd find out what, now. She saw me kissing another woman this morning. She probably thinks I don't care about her...she probably felt so lost and alone afterwards, and that bastard could just sense when she was vulnerable!! He was always there to "comfort" her when she was in pain.

I made it back to the ranch in record timing, and headed for the barn where Chase was cleaning stalls.

I walked past the stall he was in and headed for the speaker playing music.

"Hey, man! Did you find her??"

I cut Chase off by blasting the music as loud as it would go, grabbed a rake and shovel and went to work cleaning stalls. I think Chase got the hint that I was in no mood to talk, because he left me alone the rest of the day. When stalls were finished, we brought all the horses in and fed them grain. We'd be leaving them in tonight because a storm was on the horizon. Horses didn't do well out in thunder storms on pasture.

I was going over it in my mind for the millionth time as I came back from the barn. Chase was sitting on the front porch steps waiting for me. Fuck, I really didn't feel like talking about it right now, but Chase wasn't one to take No for an answer.

"What happened?" He asked when I got closer.
I didn't answer until I was seated on the opposite side of the steps across from him.

"I found her."


"It's not important. I need you to go talk to her, would you do that for me, Chase?"

"You know I will, man. But I need to know what's going on...what do you want me to say to her?"

"I need to know what happened after she left here this morning. Because what I saw doesn't make sense."

"Okay, man. You got it. Always looking for an excuse to talk to my favorite girl....alone at her house...sad and vulnerable...needing comfort... I'll take care of her..." Chase said with a smirk.

He was giving me a hard time, but he had NO IDEA what had just transpired. I met his stare with a look that said, 'don't fucking go there'.

"Come on, man. You know I'm playing. I'll bring her back to you."

"Thanks Chase."

With that, Chase headed for his pickup and I went inside for a shower.

Jess's POV

The banging didn't stop until I ripped the door open and was met by Chase.

"Chase, what's up?"

"Well, you tell me."

"What do you mean?"

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