Chapter Sixteen

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I wiped my my face with the back of my hand, walked over to the sink, and splashed my face with cold water. Once finished, I headed for the barn. Chase and I worked quietly along side each other. I think he knew that I was in no mood to talk or joke, and he respected that. He turned on Spotify and blasted his playlist over the speakers. We finished stalls in record timing and I got to working on the remainder of horses that needed grooming. I worked through lunch to avoid seeing Brant most of the day. Brant also made himself scarce by going on a trail ride and leaving chase and I alone. When we finished with work, Chase decided to cut out early since Brant was nowhere to be found to ask. I told him I'd stick around just in case Brant needed anything else done when he got back.

I rested my head on my arms at the picnic bench and drifted off.

I woke to Brant calling my name.

"Hey, what are you still doing here? He asked. I looked around, confused for a moment. I could see the sun setting in the distance.

"What time is it? I asked.

It's a quarter after eight, Brant responded, unamused.

"Oh wow, yeah. I'm sorry, I hung around after Chase left to see if you needed anything. I must of drifted off waiting.

"Well, all the horses are back in their stalls eating dinner. You're good to go home."

"What? Why didn't you wake me to help bring the horses inside?"

"You looked...peaceful." Brant looked hurt. "I didn't want to wake you."

"Oh, ok. Well, I guess I'll get going then. Seeya tomorrow.

"Yeah, seeya." Brant started towards the porch and I towards my Honda.

I noticed Brant watching me from his screen door before I pulled out to leave.

I got inside my house and greeted my parents before heading upstairs to get washed up. I turned up my music and hopped in the shower. I had time to reflect of what a no good awful couple days it had been. I hadn't heard anything from neither Brant nor Cole since I told them both the truth. Surprisingly, I wasn't upset about that fact. It felt good to be alone for awhile again, and since I had affectively ruined things with both guys, I'd better be getting use to alone time again.

The next few weeks were a blur, I avoided Brant the best I could while at work, and when he'd take off in the afternoons, I'd get Izzy out and do some ground work with her in the round pen. Chase helped me a lot, and I was learning and becoming more confident on a horse. He even said that I would be ready to go on a trail ride soon. Of course that'd be up to Brant, and he's probably say no, but I had hope. Cole tried to communicate with me occasionally although I usually tried to avoid him as well.

I'd hang out with Chase and his girlfriend and go to horse shows with them occasionally, just trying to learn and stay busy. I was starting to notice change in my body as well. All the work in the barn was building muscle in my upper body and I loved the way it made me feel.

Chase and I were goofing off with the garden hose after we finished spraying down some of the horses one afternoon when Brant came home from his trail ride. We met up with Brant on the porch to let him know all our work had been finished for the day. He told us we could get going for the day and Chase asked if I wanted to join him and his girlfriend to a party that evening.

"Where is it gonna be at?"

"It's just up the road a ways. My buddy Kody is having it. You might meet someone while you're there! I gotta admit though. This is a redneck party. Nothing like them parties you city folk like to have."

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