Chapter Three

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I was surprised to wake up to the sound of my alarm. I was even more surprised by how rested I felt. I didn't even remember having any dreams. I pulled myself up out of bed and headed straight for the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and pulled my hair up again like the day before and applied some concealer to the dark rings under my eyes from all the crying the night before. Instead of throwing on an old high school t-shirt again, I chose a deep green form fitting tank that made the green in my eyes pop. I grabbed an old pair of jeans from the back of my closet that was torn at the knees and thighs and chucked them on. I also grabbed a pair of old boots that I used when I gardened instead of the tennies I wore my first day since I realized just how quickly a nice pair of shoes could be ruined in one good days worth of work at the ranch.

Once I grabbed a quick bite to eat and packed my lunch I was headed for the ranch. I actually found myself getting excited as I pulled into the gravel drive and parked my car next to Chase's old Chevy. My excitement quickly turned into horror once I noticed Chase and Brant wrestling on the ground with the two Shepherds barking frantically and running around them in circles. I jumped out of my car and ran in their direction. "What the hell is going on, guys?!" I screamed as I neared the two built men tumbling all over the front lawn. They both stopped immediately and looked up with enthusiasm in their faces and I began to relax as I realized they were just fooling around.

Both men stood still staring at me for a moment, each sharing a similar look of lust as they assessed my attire before Chase broke the silence.

"Damn, Jess! Looking good! He said, closing the distance between us, Brant still standing in place, staring. You shouldn't have dressed like this for me!" Chase continued before I gave him a playful smack on the arm.

"Enough! I only dressed like this so I wouldn't die of heat like I did yesterday"I said, brushing dirt and grass off Chase's t-shirt.

"Well whatever the reason, he said. You look great!" He was still scanning my body before Brant cut in.

"Alright, Chase. Enough. The horses need brought in, which means you two need to get to work." Brant said in a stern tone. I thought I could sense a hint of jealousy in his voice but I dismissed the thought. Why would he be jealous over me? It's not like this gorgeous man who was years older was attracted to me...I mean of course even if he were, he was trying hard to hide it. Besides, I had enough drama in my life because of a guy right now, and I couldn't possibly handle getting involved with someone else at the moment.

Just as Chase and I started towards the pasture, Brant stopped me.

"Jessica, hang back a sec." He said, approaching me again. He grabbed my hand and my knees nearly buckled. The sensation of his rough cool hand on mine sent shock waves through me and I could feel the warmth creeping to my cheeks.

"Let me see these blisters, he said, as he inspected my abused hands. "You got some pretty nasty ones, but they'll heal quickly. In the meantime, you gotta start wearing gloves when your shoveling out stalls." He reached into his back pocket and held out a pair woman's work gloves. I quickly grabbed the gloves, whispered a thank you, and darted towards the pasture.

My mind was buzzing from a combination of emotions. Brant's touch was enough to make me almost pass out, and those eyes...My attraction towards him was almost crippling. My body had never responded to a man like that before, not even Cole.

As I walked Luke, a beautiful Arabian horse back to his stall, I couldn't keep myself from sneaking glances at Brant as he worked. I watched as he grabbed hay bails and threw them onto the back of the quad so effortlessly. It was hard not to notice his muscles working through his thin Cotten t-shirt. I was lost in my own dirty thoughts when Brant glanced over at me, catching me practically drooling over him. I quickly looked down and continued towards the barn. I quickened my pace, trying to duck out of sight to hide my embarrassment of being caught when I heard Brant call for me.

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