Chapter Nineteen

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I didn't know how to respond right away, still in shock, processing what Brant had just said.
I must have looked like a fool, because moments went by before I realized my jaw was on the floor. I quickly recovered and looked down, embarrassed.

When I didn't respond right away, Brant continued...
"Of course I don't expect you to feel the same way just yet, I know it's early, everything happened so fast, but I haven't been able to take my mind off of you since the day I saw you stroll onto my ranch, and I don't want to let you slip away again...I can't lose y..."

I cut Brant off with the most passionate kiss I could muster. I sensed his initial shock, but he recovered quickly and returned my kisses with urgency. I bit his bottom lip and tugged at his hair and he groaned in response. He pulled me closer to him, grabbing my bottom. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Bedroom", I whispered.

Brant immediately lifted me off the counter and headed out of the kitchen, through the living room, down the hall, finally reaching the bedroom. Brant carefully climbed onto the bed with his knees while I was still straddling him, he gently lowered me to the bed and hovered over top of me but didn't allow any of his weight on me. My legs were still wrapped around his waist, so I pulled his body onto mine, letting him know that it was okay, that I felt safe with him. We kissed for a long time, just enjoying the closeness and intimacy. Brant delicately explored my mouth with his tongue. I started to pull at his shirt and he removed it for me, breaking our kiss. I ran my hands down his beautiful chest and belly. I watched at Brant closed his eyes, clearly enjoying the sensation. I allowed my hands to wonder down Brant's stomach to his jeans, rubbing his firm member through them. My body was so eager for this man. So desperate to be one with him again. I reached for his button and undid his pants. Brant was watching me, his eyes never leaving mine.

When I finished with his pants, I gave him a smile.

Brant slowly climbed off of me and stood, pushing his jeans down his firm behind and letting them fall to the floor. Next he removed his boxers and let them fall too. I watched him as he stood over me, staring at me with that familiar expression I could never place before. Now I understood it perfectly. It was love. Brant was utterly and madly in love with me. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode at any minute. I wanted so badly to tell him how I felt.

"Are you sure you're ok with this?" Brant asked, interrupting my thoughts.

I nodded and Brant climbed over top of me once more not putting any weight down on me. "I want to hear a yes, baby.", he whispered seductively into my ear.

"Yes.", I practically moaned.

With that, Brant positioned himself between my legs, and ever so gently, pushed himself inside of me, just like our first time together. Brant started his slow and torturous rhythm, leaving my body begging for release.

Brant's eyes never left mine as he carefully made love to me. I reached up and caressed his face, running my palm along his stubble. "Brant?, I whispered between breaths.

"Yes, baby?", Brant sighed as he closed his eyes and continued at a steady pace.

"I love you, too."

Brant stopped immediately and looked down at me, his mouth hanging open. "What'd you say?"

I giggled a little before repeating myself. "I said, I love you, too."

Brant's expression burst into utter happiness. He leaned down and kissed me hard, starting up again, this time with a faster pace. I could feel my orgasm building quickly. I buried my face into Brant's shoulder, biting down gently to suppress my moans which were becoming uncontrollably louder. I could taste the saltiness of the sweat on his skin from the long day of hard work. His scent was utterly intoxicating. I felt myself getting closer and closer, burying my face deeper into his shoulder. Brant allowed himself to sink down into me slowly putting the weight of his body onto mine. Just when I was about to explode around him, Brant leaned in and whispered into my ear.

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