Chapter Twenty

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After I fixed Brant and I breakfast, which we barely made it through without Brant attempting to drag me back to bed on several occasions, we were finally saddling up the horses. Brant was riding chief and I was taking the old man, Duke. Brant was packing the saddle bags with some supplies for the trip.

"How far are we going today?", I asked.

"Not that far, about a mile or so.", Brant said with a smile. "I want to show you something."

We started through the pasture around the fencing to the edge of the woods. Brant told me to go ahead and he would follow down the trail since it was too narrow to fit side by side. It was so peaceful in the woods. No sounds but the birds singing and the swooshing of the horses tails as they batted away flies. We rode in silence most of the way there, just enjoying the nature around us.

The trail started to widen a bit so Brant asked Chief to pick up the pace and walk alongside Duke and I.

"We're just about there, just through that break in the trees ahead.", Brant said, pointing ahead.

We made it out of the woods into a gorgeous meadow filled with wild flowers. There were bees and butterflies buzzing around everywhere. A few hundred yards ahead was a large oak tree hanging over a creek. There was an old worn rope hanging from a branch high up and a bench just alongside the tree. It was the most beautiful place I'd ever seen. It was silent for sometime as I admired the scenery. Off in the distance a few deer were grazing peacefully, still unaware of our presence.

Brant finally spoke again. "What do you think?"

"Brant, it's stunning. I don't think I've seen a place more beautiful!", I said, still admiring the scenery.

Brant climbed off Chief, grabbed his pack, and came over to Duke and I to help me down. He lead me down an overgrown path through the meadow to the oak tree. I walked to the edge of the creek and several fish scattered. I slipped my boots and socks off and dipped my foot in the water, testing the temperature. It was cold, but tolerable. I turned to Brant who had laid out a blanket and began unpacking a thermos and sandwiches. "We're having a picnic, too?!", I asked excitedly.

"Well, I was hoping to spend a good while out here today and I didn't want you getting hungry on me...I mean, if that's ok with you?"

"Are you kidding me?? It's lovely, Brant!" He pulled me into a bear hug.

"I love you, Jess", he whispered into my hair, still holding me tightly. My heart always wanted to leap out of my chest when I heard those words from Brant. I pulled away just enough to look Brant in his beautiful blue-grey eyes. "I love you, too."

Brant kissed me passionately, pulling me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him deeper into my mouth, welcoming his tongue. I felt Brants hand cupping my backside pulling me into his pelvis where I could feel his hard member pressing into me. I moaned into Brant's mouth and reached to undo his old blue jeans. Brant broke our kiss to urgently undress me as well. He lifted my T shirt up over my head as I shoved his pants down his firm behind, delighted to find that he was totally naked underneath. He kicked off his boots and pulled his jeans off the rest of the way as I unfastened my bra and let my breasts loose. Brant scooped me up and placed me down gently on the blanket. He reached down and began unfastening my jeans. I lifted my hips to aid him in undressing me. Brant made quick work of my jeans and tossed them off to the side, his ragged breathing becoming louder and more rapid by the second. Lastly, he hooked his thumbs through my black lace panties and slid them down my long legs. Brant reached for his discarded pants and slipped my panties into the back pocket, watching me with a mischievous smile. I bit my bottom lip eager for what was to come. Brant groaned and leaned forward, his lips crashing into mine. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and bit down with a growl of desire. "This is my lip to bite..." Brant whispered.

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