Chapter Twenty-Five

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Sarah and Cameron hung around most of the day again—much longer than the usual hour long lesson time. Brant walked them both to their car when they were ready to leave—just like yesterday. I rolled my eyes and cleaned up all the grooming equipment from the lesson and hung up the remaining shovels and rakes as Chase drove the load of horse poo down to a local farmer that used it as a fertilizer. I made my way to my car slowly. Brant was already inside his house. I could see his silhouette in the kitchen. He never glanced my way once as I climbed into my car to leave. Tomorrow I was going to take Chase's advice and make things right between Brant and I.

I was in bed early but could hardly sleep from the anticipation I felt for what tomorrow would bring. Would we sit down and have a long talk? Would Brant take my sorry ass back after all I'd put him through? Would he screw me on the kitchen table right then and there? Wow...I was getting ahead of myself. All the sexual tension between us was becoming more unbearable with each passing day, and it only intensified with seeing him interacting with another woman. But I was about to claim what was mine.

I woke about an hour before my alarm went off. I tossed and turned trying to get myself back to sleep but eventually gave up and headed for the shower instead. I had it planned out in my head. There would be no talking involved, at least initially. I was so desperate for his touch. I NEEDED him. I had decided on jumping his bones the second he invited me in.

'Atta girl', my subconscious praised.

I hopped out of the shower and dressed in the tightest jeans and tank I could find. I left my hair down so it would dry into it's nice natural curl. I applied light makeup and of course finished with 'Love Spell' body mist for the win. I was ready. I was determined.

It was still about an hour before I had to be at work, but that hour would be WELL spent all over Brant. I blushed at the thought.

I quietly pulled into the ranch and checked myself over in the mirror once more before exiting the car and heading for Brants front door. 'You can do this. Be brave.', I whispered to myself as I came up onto the porch.
'Here goes nothing!', my subconscious celebrated.

I tiptoed across the boards of the porch and yanked the screen door open. I had prepared for this moment all night and morning, but I wasn't prepared for the sight in front of me now. There in the kitchen Brant was perched against the countertop as Cameron was leaned into him, her hand on the back of his neck kissing him. My heart, that I had spent all summer piecing back together had shattered all over again at the sight. Cameron quickly pulled away from Brant and we all stared at one another completely stunned.

I was the first to break the awkward silence between us.
"I sorry. I...", I struggled to find my words while simultaneously holding back the ocean of tears threatening to fall at any moment if I didn't get the hell out of there. I swallowed hard, trying to compose myself. "I should have knocked.", I finished, barely audible. With that, I turned and burst back out of the door running as fast as I could. I was so full of nervous excitement this morning that I didn't even notice Cameron's CRV parked by the barn in the visitors lot. I could hear Brant shout my name just as I got to my car. I hurriedly slammed myself inside as Brant burst back out the screen door after me. I fired the old Honda up and peeled out of the driveway as fast as I could. I finally let loose in the safety of my vehicle. Once I made it down the road aways and around the bend I pulled off to the side of the road and sobbed for what felt like an eternity. How could I be so stupid to push Brant away? How could I be so selfish to expect him to just be there waiting for me and come back? He had every right to move on! Stupid! I was just so stupid!

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I fumbled to get it out of my pocket and read the caller ID.


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